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functionary Meaning in Tamil ( functionary வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



functionary தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

செயலரை நியமிப்பவர் திருத்தந்தை ஆவார்.

functionary's Usage Examples:

This functionary is first formally mentioned under Leo X.

In his absence the administration was entrusted to a justiciar, a regent or lieutenant of the kingdom; and the convenience being once ascertained of having a minister who could in the whole kingdom represent the king, as the sheriff did in the shire, the justiciar became a permanent functionary.

The 'Ulema form a powerful corporation, whose head, the Sheik-ul-Islam, ranks as a state functionary almost co-equal with the grand vizier.

adjuvare) staff-officer to a general in command, but now a distinct high functionary at the head of a special office in the British and American war departments.

By revisers elected annually the Riksdag controls the finances of the kingdom, and by an official (justitieombudsman) elected in the same way the administration of justice is controlled; he can indict any functionary of the state who has abused his power.

PENSIONARY, a name given to the leading functionary and legal adviser of the principal town corporations of Holland, because they received a salary, or pension.

His ancient place is now occupied by a new functionary, no longer acting as arbiter, but concentrating the forces of the triumphant party.

The president of this tribunal is the highest legal functionary in Belgium.

"He is now the only judicial functionary privileged to wear the collar of SS.

Ultimately it became necessary to forego even the pretence of maintaining relations of friendship, and the British functionary at that time, Captain Macleod, was withdrawn in 1840 altogether from a country where his continuance would have been but a mockery.

vestiarius Theophylact, a powerful Roman functionary, and his wife Theodora.


forest fire fighter, prosecuting attorney, administrative official, beadle, public prosecutor, postmaster general, justice, Comptroller General, political commissar, holdover, weigher, civil servant, vizier, diplomatist, town clerk, noticer, officeholder, Comptroller of the Currency, federal agent, trained worker, city father, hearing officer, nullifier, recorder, doorkeeper, censor, mace, officer, provincial, prosecuting officer, voider, census taker, caretaker, fire marshall, hearing examiner, vote counter, regulator, jurist, invalidator, macebearer, official, teller, elected official, sealer, judge, mandarin, commissar, bureaucrat, skilled workman, church officer, enumerator, notary public, bailiff, ranger, returning officer, proconsul, hangover, record-keeper, agent, fire warden, appointee, licenser, usher, Inquisitor, quaestor, registrar, skilled worker, prosecutor, notary, diplomat, macer, searcher, equerry, incumbent, recruiter, apparatchik,


nonworker, civilian, subjacent, unnecessary, noncurrent,

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