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fuls Meaning in Tamil ( fuls வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


fuls's Usage Examples:

Could it do with a few more shovelfuls of property?By the time Dean finished shoveling, Edith Shipton was seated alone in the dining room eating her breakfast while Donnie and Fred were poring over the Annie Quincy letters and notebook in the parlor.

armfuls of books from every bookshop I come across.

Use the funnel to pour a few spoonfuls of oil into the bottle.

Several battalions of soldiers, in their shirt sleeves despite the cold wind, swarmed in these earthworks like a host of white ants; spadefuls of red clay were continually being thrown up from behind the bank by unseen hands.

The water was black with men and oil, of which I drank mouthfuls!mouthfuls of the frigid winter air.

chilliyourself, stir in 2 handfuls of freshly chopped parsley or coriander and, if you like, ½ tsp chili powder.

loo) in the senate on the occasion of his assumption of the consulship, containing a somewhat fulsome eulogy of Trajan.

Fattening pigs are fed three times a day and supplied with coal-ashes or a few handfuls of earth.

Btw, I think " pretty mediocre " is too fulsome.

armfuls of fresh flowers for his and other graves.

From unsigned hopefuls to mainstream powerhouses, the social network phenomenon that is Myspace provides effective and free marketing.

Let all simmer for 2 hours or longer when done add two tablespoonfuls of cream.

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