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fruitfulness Meaning in Tamil ( fruitfulness வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



fruitfulness தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆதலால் அதிக உற்பத்தி என்பது நாட்டின் வளமையின் அறிகுறி என்று நம்பினாா்கள்.

பெண்கள் வளமையின் குறியீடாக திகழ்வதால்,விதை முதல் ஜல்லிக்கட்டு காளை, முளைப்பாரி தேர்வு, பாதுகாப்பு வரை பெண்கள் வசம் தமிழர்களால் ஒப்படைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறது.

பெண்களை தாய்மையின் வடிவமாகவும், வளமையின் குறியீடாகவும் பாரத மக்கள் பார்த்தமையினால் பெண் தெய்வ வழிபாடு தாய்த் தெய்வ வழிபாடாக மாறியது.

fruitfulness's Usage Examples:

This oriental Aphrodite was worshipped as the bestower of all animal and vegetable fruitfulness, and under this aspect especially as a goddess of women.

The apples appear to have been the symbol of love and fruitfulness, and are introduced at the marriages of Cadmus and Harmonia and Peleus and Thetis.

It seems unlikely, therefore, that as a system the Synthetic Philosophy will prove long-lived; but this hardly detracts from its fruitfulness as a source of suggestion, or from the historic influence of many of its conceptions on the culture of the age.

'He is the god of fruitfulness, the giver of sunshine and rain, and thus the source of all prosperity.

The flight from a cursory survey of facts to wide so-called principles must give way to a gradual progress upward from propositions of minimum to those of medium generality, and in these consists the fruitfulness of science.

The new method of physics is verifiable by its fruitfulness, and so free of any immediate danger from dialectic.

In works of art Triptolemus appears mounted on a chariot (winged or drawn by dragons, symbols of the fruitfulness of the earth), with Demeter and Persephone handing him the implements of agriculture.

The combination of Osiris and the Apis bull which was found in the dead Apis was thus a most politic choice in naming the new divinity, whose figure represented a god of the underworld wearing an emblem of fruitfulness.

The expectations were often grossly materialistic, as is evidenced by Papias's quotation as the words of the Lord of a group of sayings from the Apocalypse of Baruch, setting forth the amazing fruitfulness of the earth in the Messianic time.

favere, or the "speaker," from fari), an old Italian rural deity, the bestower of fruitfulness on fields and cattle.

The neighbouring plain is famous for its fruitfulness, and the quince is said to derive its name Cydonia from the town.

Forchhammer saw in it an old nature symbolism; Jason, the god of healing and fruitfulness, brought the fleece - the fertilizing rain-cloud - to the western land that was parched by the heat of the sun.


productiveness, prolificacy, productivity, fertility, fecundity, richness, rankness, quality,


unfaithfulness, unpleasantness, rightness, fruitlessness, unproductiveness,

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