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fronds Meaning in Tamil ( fronds வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


fronds's Usage Examples:

If during this process part of the fronds run together, the beauty of the specimen may be restored by dipping the edge into water, so as to float out the part and allow it to subside naturally on the paper.

Typically Marattiaceous sori, consisting of exannulate sporangia united to form synangia, are frequent, and are almost always found on fronds with the character of Pecopteris, large, repeatedly pinnate leaves, resembling those of Cyatheaceae or some species of Nephrodium.

In Cystopteris the buds are deciduous, falling off as the fronds acquire maturity, but, if collected and pressed into the surface of a pot of soil and kept close, they will grow up into young plants the following season.

This Jurassic species bore bipinnate fronds not unlike those of the South African, Australian, and New Zealand Fern Todea barbara, which were characterized by a stout rachis and short broad pinnules bearing numerous large sporangia covering the under surface of the lamina.

the creeping, densely-scaly rootstock bears deeply pinnately cut fronds, the fertile ones bearing on the back.

cristatum is a handsome variety with fronds forking at the apex and the tips of all the pinnae crested and curled.

Why doesn't the cad get a proper job?The thick armour of petiole-bases enveloping the stem is a characteristic C y cad c an feature; in Cycas the alternation of scale-leaves and fronds is more clearly shown than in other cycads; in Encephalartos, Dioon, 'e.

fronds of ferns to the giant leaves of gunnera species.

It is represented in Britain by four species of Lemna, and a still smaller and simpler plant, Wolfa, in which the fronds are only one-twentieth of an inch long and have no roots.

There is evidence that the stem in some species was a climbing one; the pinnate leaves, arranged on the stem in a two-fifths spiral, were dimorphic, the sterile fronds resembling some forms of (From a drawing by Mrs D.

Some species of saxifrage and of ferns also produce buds on their leaves and fronds.


leafage, foliage, leaf,



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