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frieze Meaning in Tamil ( frieze வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




frieze தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

'The Frieze of Life' என்னும் ஓவிய வரிசையில் வாழ்வு, அன்பு, பயம், மரணம், தனிமை உள்ளிட்ட கருத்துக்களை பிரதிபலிக்கும் பல ஓவியங்களை வரைந்தார்.


(Hellenic Ministry of Culture) The Parthenon Frieze .

இப்பகுதிகள் 1) ஆர்க்கிட்றேவ் (Architrave), 2) பிறீஸ் (Frieze), 3) கோர்னிஸ் (Cornice) என்பனவாகும்.

frieze's Usage Examples:

The man in the frieze coat raised his arms and shouted:The sculptured doorways, chimneys and friezes of the interior are especially fine.

Men wear a long smock of homespun linen, beneath red or blue waistcoats with trousers of white frieze.

The arch is surmounted by a triple attic with Corinthian columns; the frieze above the keystone bears, on the north-western side, the inscription aZS' 'Aqvat, OouEw 7rpiv rats, and on the south-eastern, aZS' do' `ASptavoii Kai ou X i Ono-Los 'TO Xis.

They generally have moulded rails or balusters, and rich friezes of pierced and repousse work, the whole being often thickly plated with silver.

The sculptured doorways, chimneys and friezes of the interior are especially fine.

"A row of gargoyles surmounts each storey of the facade, which is also ornamented by sculptured friezes.

The columns and the architraves upon them are well preserved, but there is nothing above the frieze existing, and the cella wall has entirely disappeared.

By the wall of China-Town a smaller group of people were gathered round a man in a frieze coat who held a paper in his hand.

The great sculptured drums and pedestals, now in the British Museum, belong to the lower part of certain of its columns: but nothing of its frieze or pediments (if it had any) has been recovered.

1367) refers in a posthumous poem called Dita mundi to the " noble serge " which Ireland sent to Italy, and fine mantles of Irish frieze are mentioned in a list of goods exported from England to Pope Urban VI.

The octagonal sacristy (before 1488), with niches below and a gallery above, with stucco decorations by Bramante himself (the frieze with putti and medallions is ascribed to Caradosso), is a masterly work, and one of his best.

The frieze beneath the cornice, reproducing the lovers' initials and the Malatestian ensigns, is in such very low relief that it only enhances the perfection of " that music " produced by the marvellous skill of Alberti.


entablature, architectural ornament,


immaterial, incorporeality, incorporeal,

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