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frequency Meaning in Tamil ( frequency வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அடுக்கு நகழ்வு,

frequency's Usage Examples:

Heinrich Schwabe established, in 1851, the cyclical variation, in eleven years, of spot-frequency; terrestrial magnetic disturbances manifestly obeyed the same law; and the peculiar winged aspect of the corona disclosed by the eclipse of the 29th of July 1878, at an epoch of minimum sun-spots, intimated to A.

Symptoms of BPH include; urinary frequency, urgent desire to urinate at night.

Preston that all the lines of the same series show identical effects when measured on the frequency scale, arfrl the fact recently announced by Runge 3 that even in the more complicated cases mentioned some simple relation between the distances of the components exists.

There have been occasional periods in history where the frequency of congenital amputations has increased.

The first overtone of the second will beat 64 times per second with the third of the first, and at such height in the scale this frequency will be unpleasant.

lemma frequency effects were found in the regressions.

treatment options, including spinal injections, percutaneous disk decompression and radiofrequency.

Van 't Hoff's formula is equivalent to taking the frequency of dissociation as proportional to the square of the concentration of the molecules, and the frequency of recombination as proportional to the cube of the concentration of the ions.

It is also necessary to notice that shunt instruments cannot be used for high frequencies, as then the relative inductance of the shunt and wire becomes important and affects the ratio in which the current is divided, whereas for low frequency currents the inductance is unimportant.

Descriptive analyzes to examine the frequency distribution, chi-square test and factor analysis were applied using SPSS.

tachometer generator -- device that supplies power at a frequency proportional to the driven speed which drives the synchronous motors in the indicator.

Now frequency of movement, average daily price variation, and range of price movements are matters of fundamental importance to the public.

The first overtone has frequency 6.


wave number, sampling frequency, audio frequency, frequence, infrared, radio frequency, count per minute, infrared frequency, counts/minute, oftenness, attendance, rate, audio,


unimportant, ordinal, visible, absence, nonattendance,

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