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freakish Meaning in Tamil ( freakish வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

மனம்போன போக்குடைய

freakish's Usage Examples:

Not when I have a guarantee from some freakish stranger I met in a dark alley.

In a matter of ten minutes, her world turned into a freakish nightmare.

Everyman figures, despite being freakish and terrifying in real life.

Australia still seethes today over a freakish Edgbaston dismissal which Border, with a healthy dollop of bias, believed had changed the series.

freakish talent, Saratoga may have suffused Sheikh Mohammed with a hazardous sense of vindication.

You're some sort of freakish non-human, aren't you?Panic stirred at the idea of Gabriel dragging her to some freakish underworld.

At some point, her life had gone from crappy to freakish.

Right now, he's useless to them and anyone else, just an immortal whose freakish power should've landed him on my list long, long ago, she said.

Freemasons in some freakish clan colluding to deny house price falls?colludeuld be guilty of colluding in the murder of IRA volunteers, police officers, soldiers and civilians.

Would there be lots of people there with four arms or something freakish?freakish weather pattern.

This man seemed to accept her freakish powers, until he spoke again.


capricious, unpredictable,


sane, familiar, predictable,

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