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fraternities Meaning in Tamil ( fraternities வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



fraternities's Usage Examples:

From a very early stage in the development of chivalry, however, we meet with the singular institution of brotherhood in arms; and from it the ultimate origin if not of the religious fraternities at any rate of the military companionships is usually derived.

Some writers regard them as a continuation of the Roman collegia and sodalitates, but there is little evidence to prove the unbroken continuity of existence of the Roman and Germanic fraternities.

Two new kinds of craft fraternities appear in the 14th century and become more prominent in the 15th, namely, the merchants' and the journeymen's companies.

Check out Wikipedia's extensive lists of social fraternities and sororities, cultural interest sororities and fraternities, service fraternities and sororities, fraternal honor societies, and professional fraternities.

In some towns the victory of the artisans in the 14th century was so complete that the whole civic constitution was remodelled with the craft fraternities as a basis.

The class of dealers or merchants, as distinguished from trading artisans, also greatly increased and established separate fraternities.

Now, many fraternities and sororities play an active role in campus life.

The college offers several clubs and organizations, from sororities and fraternities to the requisite Computer Club.

Additionally, the school has an active Greek life community with 15 fraternities and sororities.

To the pope was made over 16,000 per annum as a contribution to the expense of maintaining in Rome representatives of foreign orders; the Sacred College, however, rejected this endowment, and summoned all the suppressed confraternities to reconstitute themselves under the ordinary Italian law of association.

In France agitation was directed chiefly against the Jesuits, active in the movement to displace ancient local catechisms and liturgies by the Roman texts, to enroll the laity in Roman confraternities, and to induce the bishops to visit Rome more frequently.

"Several fraternities - old gilds or new companies, with their respective cognate or heterogeneous branches of industry and trade - were fused into one body.

Of the existence of any regularly constituted companionships of the first kind there is no trustworthy evidence until between two and three centuries after fraternities of the second kind had been organized.


chapter, gild, social club, society, guild, club, frat, lodge, order,


disorganize, deregulate, war, instability, disarrange,

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