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fours Meaning in Tamil ( fours வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

நான்கு முனைக்கோடிகள்

fours's Usage Examples:

Well, actually Sam and Ron went with them, so it's a foursome.

The shoulders and fore-limbs are feebly developed, and the hind-limbs of disproportionate strength and magnitude, which give the animals a peculiarly awkward appearance when moving about on all-fours, as they occasionally do when feeding.

It is composed of several fourstranded ropes, without hemp centres, laid side by side, and sewed together by wire (fig.

The women's coxed fours B category produced a messy spectacle.

Behind them along the narrow, sodden, cutup forest road came hussars in threes and fours, and then Cossacks: some in felt cloaks, some in French greatcoats, and some with horsecloths over their heads.

Conidia (basidiospores) borne in fours on a special conidiophore, the basidium.

The foursome sat, drinking whiskey, chatting as any normal adults would.

Rostov riding in front gave the order "Forward!" and the hussars, with clanking sabers and subdued talk, their horses' hoofs splashing in the mud, defiled in fours and moved along the broad road planted with birch trees on each side, following the infantry and a battery that had gone on in front.

The foursome headed to the kitchen and sat around the table.

On a hard running summer fairway its making mincemeat of par fours.

The foursome talked about the showing, making fun of some of the stuffy patrons.

10 makes void any assurance of lands to the use (to have obits perpetual) or the continual service of a priest for ever or for threescore or fourscore years.

notched up wins from Elite coxless pairs to Senior 3 fours.


cardinal, iv, 4,


integrate, single, cardinal, ordinal,

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