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fluvial Meaning in Tamil ( fluvial வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

ஆற்றுத் தொடர்பான

fluvial's Usage Examples:

A preliminary fluvial chronology has been established through the use of a simple thermoluminescence screening on sherds (Deckers et al.

ruthenus), the tench, the gudgeon and other fluvial species also appear in immense numbers.

Relating fluvial processes (erosion, transport and deposition) to the formation of fluvial landforms.

Sediment supply, relative to fluvial transport capacity, has therefore a potentially decisive effect on the erosive power of any bedrock river.

Shipping Although Argentina has an extensive coast-line, and one of the great fluvial systems of the world, the tonnage of steamers and sailing vessels flying her flag is comparatively small.

River channel confluences are ubiquitous features of all fluvial networks ' represent sites of complex, three-dimensional flow ' sediment dynamics.

But the relief of the tableland has been wholly changed by fluvial action.

fluvial geomorphology.

Originally conquered by the fluvial deposits from the sea, it now stretches out as a vast dead level, in which the rivers find their velocity checked, and their current no longer able to carry along the silt which they have brought down from northern India.

The careful study of these fluvial formations is likely to throw much light on the history of the deformative movements and changes in topography in the United States during the late stages of geological history.

Terrestrial Eocene formationseolian, fluvial, pluvial and lacustrineare widespread in the western part of the United States, both in and about the mountains.

Along the whole northern rim of Bosnia, as also in the fluvial and Karst valleys (poljes), are found diluvial and alluvial formations, interrupted at one place by an isolated granite layer.

These include glacial, fluvial and a mixed group of periglacial deposits known as " Head "This meeting was part of the conference " Shifting Lands: new insights into periglacial geomorphology " .

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