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flowing Meaning in Tamil ( flowing வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



flowing தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பி 550 ஆண்டளவில், இந்தத் தொடருக்குச் சேர்க்கப்பட்ட பொங்கிவழியும் அல்லது மாறா-மட்ட தாங்கியைப் பற்றி சீனாவில் முதன் முதலில் எழுதியவர் யின் குயி (Yin Gui) ஆவார்.

தி டெய்லி டெலிகிராப் பத்திரிகையானது, பேட்டியின் போது குரூஸ் "பைத்தியகாரத்தனமாகக் காணப்படுகின்றார்", மேலும் "செயிண்டாலஜியின் மீதான தனது அன்பைப் பொங்கிவழியச் செய்கிறார்" என்று உருவகப்படுத்தியுள்ளது.

இதற்குக் கூடுதலாக ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட இடம் என்றுசொல்ல இயலாத மாசுகள் தோன்றும் பகுதி அதாவது விவசாயஇடங்களில் நீர்பொங்கிவழிதலாலும் அதுவே ஒருமுக்கிய மாசுகளின் மூல ஆதாரம் ஆகின்றது.

பொங்கிவழியும் திரவமானது மாசுக்களையும் அன்னியப் பொருள்களையும் கழுவி வெளியேற்றுகிறது.

flowing's Usage Examples:

The top of the suit is built like a banded bikini top, and a curtain of fabric drapes down from the band to cover the torso in a flowing design reminiscent of a baby doll nightie.

This pillow is specifically for use with a CPAP machine and mask, and it cradles the head, keeps air flowing, and helps you sleep comfortably.

In all its varieties Burke's style is noble, earnest, deep-flowing, because his sentiment was lofty and fervid, and went with sincerity and ardent disciplined travail of judgment.

From the surfaces of all objects there are continually flowing thin filmy images exactly copying the solid body whence they originate; and these images by direct impact on the organism produce (we need not care to ask how) the phenomena of vision.

"It prefers clear streams flowing over a gravelly bottom, and deep, still water, keeping close to the bottom in winter but disporting itself near the surface in the sunshine of summer.

Sibo Equator Bata :: Padang AVA Ketaun, in Lebong, flowing to the west coast, and of the upper Musi, flowing to the east coast; the valleys of Makakau and Selabung or the upper Komering, an affluent of the Musi, between Sebelat and Kaba.

Often the left arm had a short sleeve while the right was bare, but flowing sleeves came into use and various pleated skirts became customary.

The survey for the Truckee-Carson system was begun in 1902, with the object of utilizing the waters flowing to waste in western Nevada for the irrigation and reclamation of the adjacent arid regions in Churchill, Lyon and Storey counties.

The inflowing Baltic undercurrent carries with it herrings and other fish from the North Sea outside, and the submarine current entering the Barents Sea also carries with it such fish as plaice.

In the spring freshets it is a magnificent stream, but in summer its volume greatly shrinks, and it is normally a broad, shallow, sluggish, stream, flowing through interlacing channels among the sand-bars it heaps athwart its course.

I n a straight uniform current of fluid of density p, flowing with velocity q, the flow in units of mass per second across a plane area A, placed in the current with the normal of the plane making an angle 0 with the velocity, is oAq cos 0, the product of the density p, the area A, and q cos 0 the component velocity normal to the plane.


dribble, drippage, stream, flux, backflow, current, overflow, rush, run, gush, air flow, overspill, flow of air, backflowing, seepage, fountain, reflux, drip, flush, discharge, runoff, freshet, spate, change of location, outpouring, flow, dripping, upsurge, ebb, surge, oozing, jet, airflow, emission, travel, ooze, fluxion, trickle,


go, descend, precede, stay in place, linger,

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