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flower Meaning in Tamil ( flower வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


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flower தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கொஹொமத செப சனீப்ப? - நீங்கள் எப்படி சுகமாயிருக்கின்றீர்களா?.

flower's Usage Examples:

The Hindus are fond of painting the outside of their houses a deep red colour, and of covering the most conspicuous parts with pictures of flowers, men, women, bulls, elephants and gods and goddesses in all the many forms known in Hindu mythology.

They bypassed crowded Yankee Boy Basin, one of the most beautiful and photographed wildflower destinations in the country.

The leafy stem ends in spikes of small yellow flowers.

The flowers are large, white or pale rose, and followed in August by fruits of a brilliant red as large as a hens egg, and edible, though of mawkish flavor.

" said the queen, "is made of flowers plucked from your garden.

I caught this little beetle, only a few millimeters long, crawling around on our bush of yellow flowers.

She talks forward of the spring; seeing the flowers and the young people riding on these new wheels called bicycles, but I think to myself she'll not last the winter.

Common trends in boutonnieres and corsages currently are black and pink roses, colorful bead bracelets to attach the corsage to the girl's wrist, silver ribbons, unusual flower types, and bright flower colors.

A gentle exfoliating therapy enriched with tropical papain fruit enzymes and flower extracts to purify blocked pores and sweep away dead cells.

In my dream … the aliens … took me … to a planet ruled by spiders!The fungus-spores, from some diseased plant, alight on the stigma of the flower, and germinate there along with the pollen-grains.

When there is more than one row or whorl in a flower, those on the outside are sometimes longest, as in many Rosaceae; at other times those in the interior are longest, as in Luhea.

Alpine Catchfly (Silene Alpestris) - A very dwarf alpine plant, hardy, and beautiful when covered with white flowers in May.


blue-eyed African daisy, catananche, red valerian, Amberboa moschata, gazania, cyclamen, Virginia stock, schizanthus, Cyclamen hederifolium, spathe flower, merry bells, streptocarpus, Tellima affinis, tidy tips, Cyclamen purpurascens, shortia, rocket larkspur, Conoclinium coelestinum, sunflower, Pericallis hybrida, bloomer, gerardia, yellow ageratum, damask violet, Tanacetum coccineum, daisy, veronica, windflower, Lithophragma affine, lychnis, fig marigold, Mentzelia lindleyi, Layia platyglossa, painted daisy, tuberose, sweet rocket, Gypsophila paniculata, pebble plant, calendula, vervain, sowbread, butterfly flower, Centranthus ruber, nigella, catchfly, Adonis annua, scorpionweed, yellow horned poppy, ageratum, Delphinium ajacis, Bessera elegans, commelina, helianthus, old maid, scabiosa, orchidaceous plant, portulaca, soapwort, kingfisher daisy, Virginia spring beauty, horn poppy, Claytonia virginica, babies"-breath, aster, cineraria, Christmas bells, cosmea, Erysimum asperum, cornflower aster, Vaccaria pyramidata, corydalis, Vaccaria hispanica, Malcolm stock, Erysimum cheiri, Mentzelia livicaulis, silene, Cheiranthus cheiri, hedge pink, ursinia, blazing star, hot water plant, delphinium, anemone, cowherb, Arctotis venusta, begonia, bouncing Bet, speedwell, Moehringia lateriflora, butter-and-eggs, Senecio cruentus, Anemonella thalictroides, cornflower, mist-flower, Dahlia pinnata, tidytips, composite plant, rue anemone, peony, pyrethrum, devil"s flax, Lobularia maritima, spring beauty, peace lily, lesser celandine, star of the veldt, calla, African violet, bachelor"s button, sea poppy, moon daisy, cudweed, Centaurea imperialis, marigold, horned poppy, filago, candytuft, petunia, Ranunculus ficaria, poppy, schizopetalon, flowering plant, Claytonia caroliniana, ox-eyed daisy, valerian, cow cockle, woodland star, umbrellawort, sweet alyssum, Callistephus chinensis, Carolina spring beauty, arum lily, Malcolmia maritima, calceolaria, sandwort, stokes" aster, Mentzelia laevicaulis, bush violet, Chrysanthemum coccineum, aquilegia, Texas star, Easter daisy, Cyclamen neopolitanum, composite, Zantedeschia aethiopica, florest"s cineraria, slipperwort, mistflower, Lindheimera texana, Centaurea moschata, bellwort, sweet alison, Linaria vulgaris, prairie rocket, white-topped aster, bouncing Bess, blue daisy, stemless daisy, Dame"s violet, Leucanthemum vulgare, xeranthemum, marguerite, oxeye daisy, phacelia, Mexican sunflower, Eupatorium coelestinum, Saponaria vaccaria, cotton rose, Saintpaulia ionantha, blue marguerite, billy buttons, ammobium, bluebottle, Virginian stock, four o"clock, Cotula coronopifolia, angiosperm, campion, calla lily, spathiphyllum, bartonia, coneflower, wandflower, globe amaranth, Saponaria officinalis, stock, cape marigold, scarlet musk flower, Clatonia lanceolata, Episcia dianthiflora, Sparaxis tricolor, wallflower, sun marigold, Polianthes tuberosa, Glaucium flavum, aquilege, pheasant"s-eye, cosmos, China aster, wild oats, baby"s breath, centaury, African daisy, Moehringia mucosa, Arctotis stoechadifolia, western wall flower, Lithophragma affinis, sweet sultan, Stokesia laevis, Felicia amelloides, lace-flower vine, Erysimum arkansanum, achimenes, zinnia, paeony, Gomphrena globosa, dahlia, pink, Lonas inodora, orchid, scorpion weed, garden pink, old maid flower, verbena, Centaurea cyanus, toadflax, Townsendia Exscapa, coral drops, tithonia, Pericallis cruenta, Hesperis matronalis, Cheiranthus asperus, heliophila, Swan River daisy, Schizopetalon walkeri, poor man"s orchid, Felicia bergeriana, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, pilewort, columbine, brass buttons, scabious, browallia, Brachycome Iberidifolia, Alsobia dianthiflora, gillyflower, Lonas annua, Consolida ambigua, French honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, snapdragon, wild snapdragon, gentian, white daisy, Nyctaginia capitata,


simple, nonstandard, disrepute, irregular, overstock,

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