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florins Meaning in Tamil ( florins வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




florins தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கடல்வாழ் உயிரினங்கள் புளோரின் நாணயம் (Florin (English coin)), சில நேரங்களில் லியோபர்ட் அல்லது டபுள் லியோபர்ட் என அழைக்கப்படுவது, 1344 ஆம் ஆண்டில் இங்கிலாந்தின்மூன்றாம் எட்வர்ட்டால் ஐரோப்பாவிலும் இங்கிலாந்திலும் பயன்படுத்த அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்படுத்தபட்ட தங்க நாணயம் ஆகும்.

(எடுத்துக்காட்டு: ஃவுளோரின் (ஃபுளோரின், Florine).

florins's Usage Examples:

These were called florins or double leopards, half florins or leopards, quarter florins or helms.

In the same year it was decreed that the Jews should pay " a special tax of 40,000 florins for the right to import their citrons for the feast of booths.

Kepler's claims upon the insolvent imperial exchequer amounted by this time to 12,000 florins.

"The latter, a man of inferior ability and daring, sold Pisa to the count of Virtu, receiving in exchange 200,000 florins, Piombino, and the islands of Elba, Pianosa and Monte Cristo.

A Spanish army under Raymundo de Cardona and accompanied by Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici and his brother Giuliano entered the republic's territory and demanded ioo,000 florins, the dismissal of Soderini, and the readmission of the Medici.

His friends and admirers were distributed over all the countries of Europe, and presents were continually arriving from small as well as great, from a donation of 200 florins, made by Pope Clement VII.

By the final arrangement made between the contending princes, Matthias recognized Ladislaus as king of Bohemia proper in return for the surrender of Moravia, Silesia and Upper and Lower Lusatia, hitherto component parts of the Czech monarchy, till he should have redeemed them for 400,000 florins.

It was founded in 1825 through the generosity of Count Szechenyi, who devoted his whole income for one year (60,000 florins) to the purpose.

"These armaments, which cost Matthias 1,000,000 florins per annum, equivalent to 200,00O, did not include the auxiliary troops of the hospodars of Walachia and Moldavia, or the feudal levies of the barons and prelates.

Here he is said to have been obliged to pawn his treasures for 50 gold florins to provide for his immediate wants.

" If this realm could be saved at the expense of three florins," exclaimed the papal envoy, Antonio Burgio, " there is not a man here willing to make the sacrifice.

gold florins circulated in mercantile Florence and gold sequins or ducats in Venice.

ThbkOly's distrust of the emperor now induced him to turn for help to the sultan, who recognized him as prince of Upper Hungary on condition that he paid an anuual tribute of 40,000 florins.


Surinamese monetary unit, guilder, gulden,



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