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flannels Meaning in Tamil ( flannels வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

மென்சணல் துணிக்கட்டுகள்

flannels's Usage Examples:

Munki Munki, known as the industry's "hippy" sleepwear maker, brings the earthiest and, according to them, "funkiest" nighties, sleep shirts and flannels.

Thread and flannels are also made.

The principal exports are wool, woollen, cotton, linen goods, machinery, china, pianofortes, cigarettes, flannels, stockings, curtains and lace, cloth from Reichenbach and Zittau, watches of superlative value from Glashiitte and toys from the Vogtland.

The industries include flax-spinning, rope works, engineering works, and manufactures of linen thread, wincey, flannels and fishing-nets, and there are iron and steel works and coal mines in the vicinity.

The principal manufactures include leather, carpets, woollen goods, flannels, blankets, lace, boots and shoes; and fisheries and shipbuilding are also carried on.

sportive children, and cricketers in white flannels prepared for their friendly rivalry.

The Links were alive with sportive children, and cricketers in white flannels prepared for their friendly rivalry.

The manufacture of woollen blankets, cashmeres, flannels, 'c.

Buy everyone a pair of rubber ducky pajamas or snowman flannels.

Water brings fish creels, harbors, beach barbeques and damp flannels.

Teacher bought me a lovely new dress and gloves and stockings and collars and grandmother made me warm flannels, and aunt Nannie made me aprons.

Now we have a swell winter outfit--coats, hats, gowns, flannels and all.


fabric, cloth, material, textile,


dark, blacken, colorful, black, chromatic color,

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