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flan Meaning in Tamil ( flan வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




flan தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

Flanders Marine Institute, VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase.

கொரிய உணவு கிழக்கு பிளாண்டர்சு (டச்சு மொழி: Oost-Vlaanderen , (Province de) Flandre-Orientale, Ostflandern) பெல்ஜியம் நாட்டின் பிளாண்டர்சு மண்டலத்தில் உள்ள ஒரு மாகாணம் ஆகும்.

டேனியல் டெபோவின் மோல் ப்ளாண்டர்ஸ் (Moll Flanders) இதற்கு ஒரு தொடக்ககால எடுத்துக்காட்டு.

படிமம்:Fath Ali Shah relief by Eugène Flandin.

Illustration of 3-dog milk cart in Flanders, 1906.

Sukhoi Flankers - The Shifting Balance of Regional Air Power.

Asia's Advanced Flankers .

Flanker Portrait Digital Military Art.

The War in France and Flanders 1939–1940: Official Campaign History.

Barout khaneh near Tehran by Eugène Flandin.

Sukhoi Flankers – The Shifting Balance of Regional Air Power.

Asia's Advanced Flankers on ausairpower.

இந்தியப் பௌத்தர்கள் பிளாண்டர்சு (Flanders, Vlaanderen , Flandre , Flandern ) இடச்சு மொழி-பேசும் பெல்ஜியத்தின் வடபகுதியாகும்.

யாப்பிலக்கணம் பிளாண்டர் புலத்தில் (In Flanders Fields) என்பது முதலாம் உலகப் போர்க் காலத்தில் கனடிய போர் மருத்துவர் லெப்டினன்ட் கேணல் சோன் மக்கிரே என்பவரால் எழுதப்பட்ட ஒரு போர்க் கவிதை ஆகும்.

flan's Usage Examples:

Later than they, but proceeding faster, came the Zulu-Xosa (" Kaffir ") peoples, who followed a line nearer the coast and outflanked them, surrounding them on the south.

The long flannel nightgown, while perhaps frumpy in someone's eyes, was perfect for the time and season.

On their right Scirocco outflanked the Venetians of Barbarigo, but the better build of the galleys of Saint Mark and the admirable discipline of their crews gave them the victory.

The east and south gates exist (the latter, a double gate with three arches flanked by two towers, is the Porta Praetoria, and is especially fine), while the rectangular arrangement of the streets perpetuates the Roman plan, dividing the town into 16 blocks (insulae).

The Exhibition Buildings are situated on a hill in Carlton Gardens; they consist of a large cruciform hall surmounted by a dome and flanked by two annexes.

joists with flanges 7 and 7 in.

Here a series of excavations, carried out by the British School in 1896-1897 under the direction of Cecil Smith, revealed the foundations of an extensive Greek building, the outlines of which correspond with those of a gymnasium; it possessed a large bath or cistern, and was flanked on two sides by water-courses.

flannel petticoat from Jane Mudd of Gedding.

Rub the sheet of ebonite with flannel, lay it face downwards on one tray, touch that tray with the finger for a moment and lift up the ebonite sheet, rub it again, and lay it face downwards on the second tray and leave it there.

The position we occupy is a strong one, and while they are marching to go round me on the right they will expose a flank to me.

The Greeks, advancing prematurely over broken ground and in no sort of order, were fallen upon in flank by d feat at Reshid's horsemen, and fled in panic terror.

He succeeded, however, in forcing upon Louis the treaty of Conflans (1466), by which the king restored to him the towns on the Somme, and promised him the hand of his infant daughter Catherine, with Champagne as dowry.

GG; Flanges on the ore bucket; P, Cinder notch; HH, Fixed flanges on the top of RR', Water cooled boxes; the furnace; S, Blast pipe; J, Counterweighted false bell; T, Cable for allowing conical K, Main bell; bottom of bucket to 0, Tuyere; drop.


afters, dessert, sweet,


unmelodious, sugarless, tasteless, sour,

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