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flail Meaning in Tamil ( flail வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

சூடடிக்கும் கோல்

flail's Usage Examples:

He flailed for a moment then went still, pinned between the car and the garage.

His opponent was flailing again.

I desperately race around the classroom, arms flailing in clumsy attempts to grasp at adolescent screeches and high-pitched howls of derisive laughter.

When the waste contains any large percentage of worm or chrysalis, it is taken to a " cocoon beater," a machine which has a large revolving disk on which the silk is put, and while revolving slowly is beaten by a leather whip or flail, which loosens the silk and knocks out the wormy matter.

The villein was in this sense emphatically the man holding " by the fork and the flail.

It can seldom be obtained in large portions, and has the disadvantage of being apt to warp; its great hardness, however, renders it valuable for the manufacture of various articles, such as the cogs of mill-wheels, flails and mallets, and handles of hammers.

STRONG POINTS Good value for money, but Muratori uses tough, top quality hammer flails.

In the fight at Gdow (February 2 6th), where Benedek laid the foundations of the military reputation that was to end so tragically at KOniggratz, flail and scythe wrought more havoc in the rebel ranks than the Austrian musketry.

I do not agree with flailing the hedgerows, but summer growth is so profuse.

He snatched her again by her belt, then grabbed both flailing wrists and swept her feet from beneath her, falling with her.

Most club goers don't appreciate those who shout out the lyrics to their favorite song, or flail wildly along with the music.

The leg wound from Shipton's flailing ice ax had been an eight-stitcher of no permanent consequence.

Sneering at Jackson in disgust, Victor stood in front of Elisabeth and began hitting her, first with open hand and then backhand, sending her head flailing from side to side.




arrive, lose,

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