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flagellation Meaning in Tamil ( flagellation வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


flagellation தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பி மெட்ரிக்குலேசன் மேல்நிலைப்பள்ளி, கொடிக்குறிச்சி.

நல்லமணி யாதவா மெட்ரிக்குலேசன் பள்ளி, கொடிக்குறிச்சி.

தொன்மவியல் பாண்டியர்கள் ஸ்ரீ ராம் நல்லமணி யாதவர் கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லூரி திருநெல்வேலி கொடிக்குறிச்சி, மனோன்மணியம் சுந்தரனார் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் கீழ் இயங்கும் கல்லூரியாகும்.

ஸ்ரீ ராம் நல்லமணி கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லூரி கொடிக்குறிச்சி.

ஸ்ரீராம் நல்லமணி யாதவா மருந்தியல் கல்லூரி, கொடிக்குறிச்சி.

flagellation's Usage Examples:

Gradually, however, voluntary flagellation appeared in the libri poenitentiales as a very efficacious means of penance.

In the Christian church flagellation was originally a punishment, and was practised not only by parents and schoolmasters, but also by bishops, who thus corrected offending priests and monks (St Augustine, Ep.

A zealot for monastic and clerical reform, he introduced a more severe discipline, including the practice of flagellation, into the house, which, under his rule, quickly attained celebrity, and became a model for other foundations.

In Germany, in 1414, there was a recrudescence of the epidemic of flagellation, which then became a clearly-formulated heresy.

700, was twice blessed; not only was it an act of atonement in itself, like fasting and flagellation; it also gained for the pilgrim the merit of having stood on holy ground.

The king's encouragement seemed at first to point to a successful revival of flagellation; but the practice disappeared along with the other forms of devotion that had sprung up at the time of the league, and Henry III.

For an account of flagellation in antiquity see S.

His scenes of murder and self flagellation adding a disturbing menace missing from the pictures tempo.

Animals and birds were sacrificed and libations poured to him, and prayers were addressed to him by devotees who had purified themselves by ablution and repeated flagellation.

Schmidt gave himself out as the incarnation of Enoch, and prophesied the approaching fall of the Church of Rome, the overthrow of the ancient sacraments, and the triumph of flagellation as the only road to salvation.

Ritual flagellation existed among the Jews, and, according to Buxtorf (Synagoga judaica, Basel, 1603), was one of the ceremonies of the day of the Great Pardon.

Voluntary flagellation, as a form of exalted devotion, occurs in almost all religions.

Penance might consist in fasting; it might consist in flagellation; it might consist in pilgrimage.


whipping, beating, flogging, lashing, trouncing, horsewhipping, whacking, thrashing, tanning, lacing, licking, drubbing, self-flagellation,


small, little, success, beginning, victory,

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