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fixity Meaning in Tamil ( fixity வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


எக்ஸ்டென்சிபில் ஸ்டைல்ஷீட்,

fixity's Usage Examples:

In his perpetually altering state, he constantly changes, thereby shirking fixity and retaining vivacity.

There was one exception to this harsh treatment of villeins, namely, the rustic tenantry in manors of ancient demesne, that is, in estates which had belonged to the crown before the Conquest, had a standing-ground even against their lords as regards the tenure of their plots and the fixity of their services.

(3) This organization established in the Roman world a personal and hereditary fixity of professions and situations which was not very far removed from the caste system of the East.

For in fixity and resoluteness of character he likened himself to God; and having kept himself free from sin was united with God, and was empowered to grasp as it were the power and authority of wonders.

So is the new sociobiology a science of empowerment and flexibility or of social fixity?It is believed, however, that biological, developmental, genetic and sociocultural factors all probably play some role.

He proclaimed the variability of species in opposition to the views of Linnaeus as to their fixity, and moreover supposed that this variability arose in part by degradation.

'But in all countries a mixture of several oils enters into the composition of curd soaps and the proportions used have no fixity.

Shore would have proceeded more cautiously than Cornwallis's preconceived idea of a proprietary body and the court of directors' haste after fixity permitted.

Ray Lankester, have urged that the word is so firmly asssociated with historical implications of fixity which are now incongruous with its application, that it ought to be discarded from scientific nomenclature.

But in all countries a mixture of several oils enters into the composition of curd soaps and the proportions used have no fixity.

The way was paved for these changes by the existence in Ulster of a local custom having virtually the force of law, which had two main features - fixity of tenure, and free right of sale by the tenant of his interest.

The ryots have fixity of tenure, at a rent fixed for the term of each settlement.


agelessness, unalterability, unchangeableness, unchangingness, immutability, immutableness, changelessness, unchangeability,


alterability, mutableness, mutability, changeableness, motion,

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