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fissured Meaning in Tamil ( fissured வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


fissured தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

  80 முதல் 90 மில்லியன் ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு, ஃபரால்லன் தட்டு பிளவுபடுத்தப்பட்டு வடக்குக்கு குலா பிளேட் அமைக்கப்பட்டது.

டிரிப்டோபானின் ஐந்துருப்பு நறுமண பல்லினவட்டம் பிளவுபடுத்தப்பட்டு, டிரிப்டோபானின் ஆல்ஃபா அமினோ அமிலத்துடன் இணைந்து நியாசினின் ஆறுருப்பு நறுமண பல்லினவட்டமாக மறுசீராக்கப்படுகிறது.

fissured's Usage Examples:

So long as the epidermis of animals remains sound, disease germs may come in contact with it almost with impunity, but immediately on its being fissured, or a larger wound made through it, the underlying parts, the blood and soft tissues, are attacked by them.

The great rivers which flow eastward to the sea have fissured and moulded the surface into deep ravines alternating with high plateaus, ridges and isolated hills.

On account of the small amount of precipitation, the fissured condition of the underlying lava sheets, and the porous soil, the Great Sandy Desert has practically no surface streams even in the wet season, and within its limits no potable waters have been found.

, but owing to its fissured and cavernous nature it became necessary to excavate to much greater depths, reaching in places more than 120 ft.

Mouth breathing, related to the small nasal airway, contributes to fissured tongue and lips.

, is bare of timber, scantily supplied with water, and rugged and deeply fissured.

For the fissured jar of J.

In this system the soft ground or fissured water-bearing rock is rendered temporarily solid by freezing the contained water within a surface a few feet larger in diameter than the size of the finished shaft, so that the ground may be broken either by hand tools or blasting in the same manner as hard rock.

procera, but still vertically fissured; large boles are fluted (Mitchell, 1974 ).

; the circuit of its walls, which are composed of a hard grey clinkstone much fissured, is 20 m.

Among the sedimentary rocks we have, for example, in the clay slates of the Silurian formations, rocks no less cracked and fissured than others, but generally quite impermeable by reason of the joints being packed with the very fine clay resulting from the rubbing of slate upon slate in the earth movements to which the cracks are due.


scissure, fatigue crack, geological fault, crevasse, crack, vent, rift, split, volcano, slit, cleft, chap, chink, opening, faulting, fracture, crevice, gap, shift, break, fault,


unify, stay, function, keep quiet, irresponsibility,

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