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firmer Meaning in Tamil ( firmer வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



firmer தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


firmer's Usage Examples:

, moreover, and his successors endeavoured to establish the validity of the royal will by absorbing the vassal states and instituting a firmer organization.

Brandt now retained very nearly the same arrangement as his predecessor; but, notwithstanding that he could trust to the firmer foundation of internal framework, he took at least two retrograde steps.

With depression, the geriatric has a much firmer grasp upon what they are thinking or feeling, as opposed to dementia where symptoms are seemingly out of the awareness realm of the individual.

Kolmogorov's proposal outlined strives for the firmer and less contentious ground expressed in finite combinatorics and effective computation.

In December 1860 he retired from the cabinet when the president refused to take a firmer attitude against secession by reinforcing Fort Sumter, and he remained in retirement until his death at Detroit, Michigan, on the 17th of June 1866.

The opium is usually of much firmer and smoother consistence than that of Turkey, of a chocolate-brown colour and cheesy appearance, the pieces bearing evidence of having been beaten into a uniform mass previously to being made into lumps, probably with the addition of Sarcocoll, as it is always harder when dry than Turkey opium.

Voila ce qui a pu se produire pour de chants tres-courts, dont it est d'ailleurs aussi difficile d'affirmer que de vier l'existence.

The insects comprised in it are distinguished from the earwigs by their elongate, rather narrow forewings, which usually cover, or nearly cover, the abdomen when at rest, and which are firmer in texture than the hindwings.

We are on firmer ground when simply describing the phenomena of primitive religion than when seeking to account for these in terms of natural law - in whatever sense the conception of natural law be applicable to the facts of the mental life of man.

My father then insisted on a delay of a year and now already six months, half of that period, have passed, and my resolution is firmer than ever.


consulting company, concern, dealer, publishing house, auction house, business firm, corp, publishing firm, publisher, law firm, publishing company, business concern, consulting firm, business organization, corporation, house, business organisation, business, accounting firm,


unhurried, slow, gradual, unpatriotic, disloyalty,

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