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fiord Meaning in Tamil ( fiord வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

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fiord தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

Fiordland Islands NZ stoat eradication .

fiord's Usage Examples:

SNORRI STURLASON (1179-1241), the celebrated Icelandic historian, the youngest son of a chief in the VestfirOir (western fiords), was brought up by a powerful chief, Jon Loptsson, in Odda, who seems first to have awakened in him an interest for history and poetry.

When cruising spectacular fiords, fur seals and penguins swim and follow the boat.

The lower Hudson, below Troy, is really a fiord, the stream valley being drowned by the sea through subsidence of the land.

These trenches have for successive geological periods been the drainage valleys of immense lakes (probably also of glaciers) which formerly extended over the plateau or fiords of the seas which surrounded it.

For the next two and] twenty years Denmark's greatest statesman lingered out his life in a lonely state-prison, first in the fortress of Copenhagen, and finally at Munkholm on Trondhjem fiord.

The engagement began on the 9 th April 1940 with the Blücher slowly moving up Oslo fiord.

(about 32 miles) long, the ends being in the same magnetic meridian, on opposite sides of a fiord, and observations were confined to this meridian, strict simultaneity being secured by signals.

Banff Strike Wing Memorial Mosquito from Banff attacking shipping in Norwegian fiord, Spring 1945 Gp.

In 1002 he came to Greenland, married Gudrid, widow of Red Eric's son Thorstein, and put himself at the head of a great expedition now undertaken from Ericsfiord for the further exploration and settlement of the western Vinland (south Nova Scotia?) lately discovered by Leif Ericsson.

Here Thorvald Ericsson was killed by a (Skraeling?) arrow, and the expedition came back to Streamfiord where they passed the next winter (1005-1006).


inlet, fjord, recess,



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