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fineries Meaning in Tamil ( fineries வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


fineries தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

- மங்களூர் ரிஃபைனரிஸ் அன்டு பெட்ரோகெமிக்கல்ஸ் லிமிடெட்.

| நுமாலிகார் ரிஃபைனரிஸ் லிமிடெட்.

- பாரத் ஒமான் ரிஃபைனரிஸ் லிமிடெட்.

fineries's Usage Examples:

belching chimneys of the olive oil refineries.

The manufactories include rice mills, saw mills, sash, door and blind factories, shingle mills, iron works, oil refineries, broom factories and a dynamite factory.

The city is situated in an agricultural and cotton-raising region, and has cotton compresses and gins, cotton mills, cotton-seed oil refineries, foundries and machine shops, and furniture and wagon factories.

In the American petroleum refineries it is found that sufficient cracking can be produced by slow distillation in stills of which the upper part is sufficiently cool to allow of the condensation of the vapours of the less volatile hydrocarbons, the condensed liquid thus falling back into the heated body of oil.

, and there are breweries, distilleries and sugar refineries.

Manufacturing industry is confined to a few articles and commodities, such as cement, tea, tin cans (for oil), cotton goods, oil refineries, tobacco factories, flour-mills, silk-winding mills (especially at Shusha and Jebrail in the south of Elisavetpol), distilleries and breweries.

The leading industry of Udine is silk-spinning, but it also possesses manufactures of linen, cotton, hats and paper, tanneries and sugar refineries, and has a considerable trade in flax, hemp, 'c.

Other industrial establishments of importance include petroleum refineries, ship-yards, brick, stone and lime works, saddlery and harness factories, lithographing establishments, patent medicine works, chemical works, and copper smelters and refineries.

There are several large tobacco factories, flour mills, boot factories, sugar refineries, tanneries, tallow works, meat-preserving, glue and kerosene-oil factories and soap works.

Cleveland is the headquarters of the largest shoddy mills in the country (value of product, 1905, " 1, 0 84,594), makes much clothing (1905, " 10, 4 26, 535), manu factures a large portion of the chewing gum made in the United States, and is the site of one of the largest refineries of the Standard Oil Company.

In the vicinity of Cairns are extensive sugar plantations, with sugar mills and refineries; the culture of coffee and tobacco has rapidly extended; bananas, pine-apples and other fruits are exported in considerable quantities and there is a large industry in cedar.

The diesel is purchased by Iraqi Kurds from Iraqi refineries and sold to the Turkish truckers.

Other important branches of industry are chemicals at Hruschau and Petrowitz; sugar refineries, milling, brewing and liqueurs.


Sunday clothes, Sunday best, garb, attire, dress,


undress, overdress, underdress, dress down, dress up,

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