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filiform Meaning in Tamil ( filiform வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



filiform தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அத்துடன் பெண் யானைகள் சற்று மெலிந்ததும் சிறிது சாய்வானதுமான தந்தங்களைக் கொண்டுள்ளன.

அவனை எண்ணி என் தோள் மெலிந்தது.

தண்டையின் இனக்கிளி கடிவோள் (தட்டை என்பதில் உள்ள [ட்] தண்டை என வரும்போது [ண்] ஆகி மெலிந்தது).

போர்வைக் கோப்பெருநற்கிள்ளியை மணக்க விரும்பியதால் என் தோள்கள் அவனை எண்ணி எண்ணி என் தோள் மெலிந்தது.

இதனால் விஷ்ணுவின் உடலும் மெலிந்தது.

அவர் இன்னும் அதிகமாக மெலிந்தது தவிர.

filiform's Usage Examples:

Can you identify the fungiform and filiform papillae, glands, and skeletal muscle.

(b) Tentacles with a bilateral arrangement, branched tentacles in addition to simple filiform ones; type of Branchiocerianthus.

"Of particular zoological interest in this connexion is a Ceylonese genus Dyscritina, in which the cercopods are long, many-jointed and filiform during the early stages of growth, and only assume at the last moult the forcipate structure characteristic of the family.

- These singular crustaceans have long soft flexible bodies, the eyes stalked and movable, the first antennae small and filiform, the second lamellar in the female, in the male prehensile; this last character gives rise to some very fanciful developments.

Bathanalia, from x, Filiform appendage (?"He saw that they increased in size, divided, and became full of filiform spores, then ruptured and poured out their multitudinous progeny into the bodycavity of their insect host.

An Equisetaceous plant, which Brongniart named Phyllotheca in 1828, is another member of the same flora; this type bears a close resemblance to Equisetum in the long internodes and the whorled leaves encircling the nodes, but differs in the looser leaf-sheaths and in the long spreading filiform leaf-segments, as also in the structure of the cones.

Tr ophosome, polyps with an upper circlet of numerous capitate tentacles, and a lower circlet of filiform tentacles.

Trophosome, polyps with two whorls of tentacles, the lower filiform, the upper capitate; gonosome, free medusae, with tentacles solid and branched.

This was the case in Urnatopteris (Kidston), with Sphenopteroid sterile foliage; the sporangia, borne on the filiform pinnules of the fertile rachis, appear to have dehisced by an apical pore (fig.

Of particular zoological interest in this connexion is a Ceylonese genus Dyscritina, in which the cercopods are long, many-jointed and filiform during the early stages of growth, and only assume at the last moult the forcipate structure characteristic of the family.

The rami may be flattened for swimming, when it is " a bi-ramose swimmeret," or both or only one may be filiform and finely annulate; this is the form often presented by the antennae of Crustacea, and rarely by prae-oral appendages in other Arthropods.

As in all Arachnida there is only a single pair of appendages in front of the mouth, and these were onebranched, long and filiform and acted as antennae.

Trophosome, polyp with filiform tentacles in three or four whorls.


thready, filamentlike, thin, threadlike, filamentous,


thick, thin, fat, endomorphic, mesomorphic,

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