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feudatories Meaning in Tamil ( feudatories வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



feudatories தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

மேற்கு பகுதியின் சாளுக்கிய அரசனான ஆறாம் விகுரமாதிதியா என்பவரிடத்தில் வெங்கிப் பேரரசையும், கங்காவாதி (மைசூரின் தெற்கு மாவட்டங்கள்) பகுதிகளை சாளுக்கிய இராணுத்தைச் சேர்ந்த போசள விடுணுவருதனா என்பவரிடமும் 1118 ஆம் ஆண்டுகளில் தங்கள் ஆற்றலை சோழர்கள் இழந்தனர்.

feudatories's Usage Examples:

At the same time, if our text is thus late, it must be remembered that its content gives us the earliest and purest exposition of French feudalism, and describes for us the organization of a kingdom, where all rights and duties were connected with the fief, and the monarch was only a suzerain of feudatories.

There the king, probably also high priest of the prevailing nature-cult, built a great stone palace, and received the tribute of feudatories, of whom, probably, the prince of Phaestus, who commanded the Messara plain, was chief.

They were to be to him what the counts of the marches were to Charlemagne, warlike feudatories defending the empire or overawing its prospective foes.

Richard Marshal, grandson of Strongbow, and to a great extent heir of his power, was foully murdered by his own feudatories Hen ry !IL trap - men of his own race; and the colony never quite >.

In the meanwhile the French feudatories on the left wing had thoroughly defeated the imperialists opposed to them, and William Longsword, earl of Salisbury, the leader of this corps, was unhorsed and taken prisoner by the warlike bishop of Beauvais.

These fortresses, garrisoned not by the king, as in Norman England, but by their possessors, would only strengthen the power of the feudatories, and help to dissipate the kingdom into a number of local units.

kingdom, founded by the Lombards, recognized by the Franks and recently claimed by eminent Italian feudatories, virtually ceased to exist.

-The forces in India consist of the British army on the Indian establishment and the Indian native army with its dependent local militias, feudatories, contingents, 'c.

The great earldoms of the West-Saxon period were allowed to lapse; the new earls, for the most part closely connected with William by the ties of blood or friendship, were lords of single shires; and only on the marches of the kingdom was the whole of the royal jurisdiction delegated to such feudatories.

In 1110 he banished the more conspicuous malcontents, and from that date was safe against the plots of his English feudatories.

The discords which followed on the break-up of the Carolingian power, and the weakness of the so-called Italian emperors, who were unable to control the feudatories (marquises of Ivrea and Tuscany, dukes of Friuli and Spoleto), from whose ranks they sprang, exposed Italy to ever-increasing misrule.

They possessed in Cyprus a kingdom, in which they had vindicated for themselves a stronger hold over their feudatories than the kings of Jerusalem had ever enjoyed, and in which trading centres like Famagusta flourished vigorously.


liege subject, liege, vassal, follower, liegeman,


leader, superior, dominant, domineering, independent,

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