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fesse Meaning in Tamil ( fesse வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


fesse's Usage Examples:

It was their professed object to raise French to a level with the classics, and to acclimatize Italian species of verse.

This gospel professes to give an account of our Lord's boyhood.

Father and son-in-law had interviews at Remesal, near Pueblo de Senabria, and at Renedo, the only result of which was an indecent family quarrel, in which Ferdinand professed to defend the interests of his daughter, who he said was imprisoned by her husband.

"Theism can take but little interest in this peculiar type of free will doctrine, or again in Epicurus's professed admission of the existence of gods - made of atoms: inhabiting the spaces between the worlds; Stoicism.

As then Anaximenes did not, but Aristotle did, recognize three genera, and as Aristotle could as well as Anaximenes recognize seven species, the evidence is overwhelming that the Rhetoric to Alexander is the work not of Anaximenes, but of Aristotle; on the condition that its date is not that of Aristotle's confessedly genuine Rhetoric.

But towards the end he confesses that he has grown weary of his task, and his history becomes meagre.

They were men of the world, and men of this world, and, so far as they still professed and practised Judaism, they preferred to repudiate the additions for which they felt no need, but which had entered into the faith of their fathers.

Sable a fesse argent cut off at the ends.

Mrs Thrale herself confessed that without her husband's assistance she did not feel able to entertain Johnson as a constant inmate of her house.

When the sins confessed were very heinous the satisfactions were correspondingly severe and sometimes lasted over many years.

Ioi), confesses the error into which he thus fell.

A Socinian Bible was issued by Simon Budny in 1570 at Nieswiez, as he professed to find many faults in the version issued under the patronage of Radziwill; in 1597 appeared the Roman Catholic version of the Jesuit Wujek; and in 1632 the so-called Danzig Bible, which is in use among Protestants and is still the most frequently reprinted.

Not only were they lodged in cages of tortoise-shell and ivory, with silver wires, but they were professedly esteemed as delicacies for the table, and one emperor is said to have fed his lions upon them!One of the table delicacies of former days was a particular breed of dog which was fed exclusively on poi before it was killed, cooked and served.


ordinary, fess,


uncommon, extraordinary, extraordinariness,

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