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ferruginous Meaning in Tamil ( ferruginous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

இரும்பின் துருச்சார்ந்த

ferruginous's Usage Examples:

It has been sought to work again the ancient quarries of Shemtu, but it was found that the marble had been spoilt by ferruginous and calcareous veins.

Masses of laterite, buried in hard ferruginous clay, crop up as rocks or slabs.

ferruginous flycatchers, but the audible Oriental Cuckoos always remained distant and out of sight.

Soils are of four classes: calcareous-ferruginous, alluvial, argillous and silicious.

In their upper courses all the southern affluents of the Ghazal flow across a plateau of ferruginous laterite, their valleys having steep banks.

Laterite is a ferruginous and argillaceous rock, varying from 30 to 200 ft.

They are next steeped in a bath, first of molten ferruginous, then of pure tin.

Others are spotted crake, Osprey, Bittern, and ferruginous duck.

The soil in many parts is very fertile and springs are plentiful and abundant: the water is in some cases sulphureous or ferruginous.

Limonite often forms a cementing medium in ferruginous sands and gravels, forming "pan"; and in like manner it is the agglutinating agent in many conglomerates, like the South African "banket," where it is auriferous.

The soil is composed of red ferruginous kankar, with a stratum of clay in the more elevated parts, covered by a thin layer of vegetable mould, or by recent alluvial deposits.

As the boat finally moved toward the lock gates a drake ferruginous duck was found along with a black necked grebe.

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