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fermenting Meaning in Tamil ( fermenting வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



fermenting தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


fermenting's Usage Examples:

This Messianic expectation had been a fermenting leaven since the great days of Judas Maccabaeus.

Putrescent waste experiments such as organic waste in a fermenting jar with a balloon over the top).

In order to prevent the wine from fermenting further and so becoming dry, from 4 to 5 volumes of brandy are added to every 100 volumes of wine in the vats.

This character is the base of the plan of adding glucose to wine and beer wort before fermenting, the alcohol content of the liquid after fermentation being increased.

Should the leaf be intended to be cured as green tea, the fermenting process is omitted and some other processes applied, but in India very little green tea is manufactured.

Plant houses were formerly heated in a variety of ways - by fermenting organic matter, such as dung, by smoke flues, by steam and by hot water circulating in iron pipes.

Xanthan gum is made by fermenting simple sugars using a particular bacteria, whereas guar gum is a natural part of the guar bean.

Your lips are turning blue!When the heat of the original bed subsides, linings of fermenting dung must be added, and these must be kept active by occasional turnings and the addition of fresh material as often as required.

The principal difference from the manner described of making black tea lies in the omission of the withering and fermenting, and the substitution for those of a steaming or panning process.

During the winemaking process, a variety of chemicals and sulfites are added to the fermenting wine to adjust and preserve the flavor.

This access is especially desirable as regards the store-yards and framing ground, where fermenting manures and tree leaves for making up hot beds, coals or wood for fuel and ingredients for composts, together with flower-pots and the many necessaries of garden culture, have to be accommodated.

He determined the percentages of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the sugar and in the products of fermentation, and concluded that sugar in fermenting breaks up into alcohol, carbonic acid and acetic acid.


chemical process, fermentation, zymosis, chemical action, bottom fermentation, vinification, top fermentation, ferment, chemical change, zymolysis,



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