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feoff Meaning in Tamil ( feoff வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


feoff's Usage Examples:

Early in 1417 Selman quit-claimed to Chirch, the only other surviving feoffee.

The rearrangement, on a feudal basis, of the original returns (as described above) enabled the Conqueror and his officers to see with ease the extent of a baron's possessions; but it also had the effect of showing how far he had enfeoffed "under-tenants," and who those under-tenants were.

if a person attempted to give to the feoffee a greater estate than he himself had in the land, he forfeited the estate of which he was seised.

granted to certain feoffees in whom he had vested his manor of Bradford a market on Thursday every week and two yearly fairs, one on the feast of the Deposition of St William of York and two days preceding, the other on the feast of St Peter in Cathedra and two days.

In the military sphere, though his normal army is the feudal force composed of the tenants-in-chief and the knights whom they have enfeoffed, he retains the power to call out the fyrd, the old national levee en masse, without regard to whether its members are freemen or villeins of some lord.

1095) had just issued its famous decree to the effect that bishops must be chosen by free election, and not invested with their spiritual insignia or enfeoffed with their estates by the hands of a secular prince.

Livery in law, in order to pass the estate, had to be perfected by entry by the feoffee during the joint lives of himself and the feoffor.

The tenure by which lands were held before 1838 was strictly feudal, resembling that of Germany in the 11th century, and lands were sometimes enfeoffed to the seventh degree.

Those whom he enfeoffed with land held it according to the law of Norman feudalism, which was already becoming precise.

tortious interference come into play as a result of simple security-related communications?A feoffment might be a tortious conveyance, i.

Livery in law was made not on but in sight of this land, the feoffor saying to the feoffee, "I give you that land; enter and take possession.


land, demesne, estate, acres, fief, landed estate,


embark, leave,

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