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feni Meaning in Tamil ( feni வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




feni தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

International Research Centre on El Niño-CIIFEN.

ஸ்பெயின் சென்று வாள்வீச்சு (FENCING) வகைக் கத்திச் சண்டைப் பயிற்சி தேர்ந்தவர்.

Nice (FR),|publisherSFEN ( சத்ய விரத சாத்திரி (ஆங்கிலம்: Satya Vrat Shastri) (பிறப்பு செப்டம்பர் 1930 29 ) இந்தியாவைச் சேர்த இவர் ஒரு மிகவும் அலங்கரிக்கப்பட்ட சமசுகிருத அறிஞர் ஆவார்.


CIVIL DEFENCE, Journal of the Civil Defence Services, Editor Col.

feni's Usage Examples:

Another brilliant bolt of lightning ended in a deafening clap of thunder.

So, we trudge up to E3, complaining about what a hellhole it is, hating the train, hating the parking situation, but happy to be out of the office for the day, despite the overpriced food, the long lines and the deafening roar.

Faster and faster, vying with one another, they moved at the double or at a trot, vanishing amid the clouds of dust they raised and making the air ring with a deafening roar of mingling shouts.

Just when Pierre snatched at and struck up the pistol Makar Alexeevich at last got his fingers on the trigger, there was a deafening report, and all were enveloped in a cloud of smoke.

The suspension bridge dispenses with the compression member required in girders and with a good deal of the stiffening required in metal arches.

Right: Early coarse cerussite overgrown by later microcrystalline pyromorphite with minor bipyramidal orange wulfenite.

Another deafening clap of thunder brought her hands instinctively to her ears.

Stretching following exercise also keeps you from stiffening up when you are done.

The vehicle contained a roll of gauze and Dean bound his own stiffening leg after spreading a disinfectant on the oozing abrasion.

in the form of boxes with top and bottom plates, side plates, and angles with proper stiffening bars on the side plates, or " I's," or lattice, or other forms of truss work.

South of Hermagor, the principal place of the Gail valley, is the chain of mountains which is famous as being the only place where the beautiful Wulfenia Carintlziaca is found.

She was soon soaked by a light drizzle and stretched to keep her stiffening muscles warm.

With the triumph of High Church principles at the Restoration it was natural that a loyal clergy should desire to emphasize this squareness, and the consequent exaggeration of the square top of the cap necessitated a further stiffening.

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