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fellahin Meaning in Tamil ( fellahin வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


fellahin's Usage Examples:

Though the crisis had results disastrous to the speculators, the position of the fellahin was hardly affected; the cotton crop was marketed with regularity and at an average price higher than that of 1906, while public revenue showed a satisfactory See Egypt No.

The new Arab invaders who soon pressed forward into their seats found the remnants of the Nabataeans transformed into fellahin, and speaking Aramaic like their neighbours.

The population is generally divisible into I The fellahin or peasantry and the native townsmen.

The Cairenes, or native citizens, differ from the fellahin in having a much larger mixture of Arab blood, and are at once keener witted and more conservative than the peasantry.

Ten thousand fellahin, collected in March 1883, mainly from Arabis former forces, set out from Duem, 100 m.

The Sudanese, moreover, shoot better than the fellahin, whose eyesight is often defective.

) there followed a period of wild extravagance and reckless borrowing accompanied by the extortion of every piastre possible from the fellahin.

Vcgetables grow readily, and their cultivation is an important part of the work of the fellahin.

These died so rapidly in Egypt from pneumonia1 that Mehemet Ali conscripted over 250,000 fellahin, and in so arbitrary a fashion.

Camp was formed at Omdurman and a new force of some 8000 fighting men collected - mostly recruited from the fellahin of Arabi's disbanded troops, sent in chains from Egypt.

The sirdar made an attempt to raise a battaliQn of Albanians, but the few men obtained mutinied when ordered to proceed to the Sudan, and it was deemed advisable, after the ringleaders had been executed, to abandon the idea, and rely on blacks to stiffen the fellahin.

By mitigating the hardships of the corve, and improving the irrigation system, on which the prosperity of the country mainly depends, he had conferred enormous benefits on the fellahin, and had laid the foundation of permanent budgetary equilibrium for the future.

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