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falters Meaning in Tamil ( falters வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



falters's Usage Examples:

falters just at the moments when the clock should be ticking most loudly.

He looks down, and for a split second the on-stage persona falters while he changes a mental gear.

falters at times, there are no flat pages: her early training made her incapable of dullness.

The argument for barefoot running falters a little bit when you consider running surfaces.

Where the control falters slightly is weapon response.

falters for lack of reinforcements and the Dauphin withdraws his army, leaving Pandulph to arrange terms for peace.

Call of Duty: Finest Hour is an above average WWII shooter that delivers on experience, but falters on graphics.


hesitate, waffle, waver,


precede, linger, ascend, recede,

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