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falcons Meaning in Tamil ( falcons வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



falcons தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


falcons's Usage Examples:

In 1361 and 1363, edicts prohibiting the exportation of horses, falcons, and woolen goods.

The new artisan makers of the okimono struck out a line for themselves, one influenced more by the naturalistic and popular schools than by the classical art, and the quails of Kamejo, the tortoises of Seimin, the dragons of Tun and TOryu, and in recent years the falcons and the peacocks of Suzuki Chokichi, are the joy of the European collector.

lanner falcons can fly at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour in one of their famous power dives called a stoop.

Birds are very numerous, including no fewer than 4 varieties of crows, 5 of warblers, 7 of woodpeckers, 8 of buntings, 4 of falcons, and 5 of eagles; while among the hosts of waterfowl which people the marshes of the Danube are 9 varieties of ducks, and 4 of rails.

But a project refurbishing power lines in Dorset threw up an entirely new issue: nesting peregrine falcons.

Which is why no large wild falcons live in farmland in the UK, only in coastal or open areas.

Charities Each year the RAF falcons support a local charity.

Among the larger birds are cranes, herons, the ibis, storks, eagles, vultures, falcons, hawks, kites, owls, the secretary birds, pelicans, flamingoes, wild duck and geese, gulls, and of game birds, the paauw, koraan, pheasant, partridge, guinea fowl and quail.

The carrion hawks are represented by the Polyborus tharus, popularly called the " caracara," and the Phalcobaenus carunculatus; the falcons by the Aesalon columbarius; and the kites by the Gampsonyx swainsoni.

diurnal raptors is the true falcons.


Falconidae, Falco peregrinus, hobby, hawk, Falco subbuteo, peregrine falcon, peregrine, kestrel, gerfalcon, merlin, gyrfalcon, Falco tinnunculus, Falco sparverius, Falco columbarius, caracara, sparrow hawk, American kestrel, Falco rusticolus, pigeon hawk, family Falconidae,


ebb, stand still, inactivity, dove, settled,

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