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fairness Meaning in Tamil ( fairness வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



fairness தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


fairness's Usage Examples:

GLAAD has spoken up on the news, congratulating Chastity on his brave decision on how going public with it helps by "…advancing discussions about fairness and equality for transgender people.

In fairness City never gave up hope and never stopped working, with Hoskins and Smith up front being especially deserving of praise.

Though, in all fairness, ten years had changed some people enormously.

5-6) needs rearrangement through their not noticing that, according to Aristotle, reciprocal justice, being the fairness of a commercial bargain, is not part of absolute or political justice, but is part of analogical or economical justice.

It should, however, in fairness be added that only notorious bloodsuckers, or obstinately resisting noblemen, were destroyed in this way.

"And fairness, of course," he added, "for if the peasant is naked and hungry and has only one miserable horse, he can do no good either for himself or for me.

And Gardiner has the defects of his supreme qualities, of his fairness and critical ability as a judge of character; his work lacks enthusiasm, and leaves the reader cold and unmoved.

The author embarks on special pleading in favour of Earl Robert and Bishop Roger of Salisbury, but shows a certain liking for the personal character of Stephen, whose case he states with studious fairness.

8) with unfairness towards all rulers with the exception of Antigonus Gonatas.

In theology he upheld the Arminian against the Calvinist position, but always with courtesy and fairness; his resignation on doctrinal grounds of the superintendency (1768-1771) of the countess of Huntingdon's college at Trevecca left no unpleasantness.

He lacked, moreover, the tact and bonhomie of the Jagiellos; but in fairness it should be added that the Jagiellos were natives of the soil, that they had practically made the monarchy, and that they could always play Lithuania off against Poland.

In those days there was no sense of unfairness in using up existing materials in order to make a more complete treatise.


sportsmanship, justness, fair, just, unjust, non-discrimination, equity, unfair, justice,


injustice, inequity, fair, unfairness, unfair,

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