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expositor Meaning in Tamil ( expositor வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தெளிவாகப் பொருள் விளக்குபவர்,

expositor's Usage Examples:

accumulated, libraries and museums formed, came the age of printers and expositors.

He is nowhere original, and nowhere profound, but his strong reasoning power, his faculty of clear arrangement and forcible statement, place him in the first rank of expositors and advocates.

In order to found his new academy upon a firm basis Cosimo resolved not only to assemble men of letters for the purpose of Platonic disputation at certain regular intervals, but also to appoint a hierophant and official expositor of Platonic doctrine.

His works, mainly expository and polemical, have not been collected.

His historic fame came from the Christian Schoolmen, whom he almost initiated into the system of Aristotle, and who, but vaguely discerning the expositors who preceded, admired in his commentaries the accumulated results of two centuries of labours.

For the expository or interpretative Midrash was bound up with rules and methods which often appear crude and arbitrary, they are nevertheless those of the age and they helped to build up lasting monuments.

It is true that his French panegyrists (and he is not himself free from censure on this score) are unjust in their estimate of Smith as an expositor and extol too highly the merits of Say.

The Talmud also makes " credible details which many Christian expositors have been rather inclined to dispute.

He had a dogma of his own - one founded, according to his German expositors, on the views of the Neoplatonists, of which a few disjointed specimens must here suffice.

Jouffroy's claim to distinction rests upon his ability as an expositor of other men's ideas.

His object was to popularize among his countrymen the astronomical theories of Descartes; and it may well be doubted if that philosopher ever ranked a more ingenious or successful expositor among his disciples.


intellectual, expounder, intellect,


physical, nonintellectual, unscholarly, uneducated,

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