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explorers Meaning in Tamil ( explorers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஆய்வுப்பயணம் செய்பவர்,

explorers தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

சிறந்த கடல் ஆராய்ச்சியாளர், விலங்குகள் ஆராய்ச்சியாளர், ஓவியர், கடல் ஆய்வுப்பயணம் செய்பவர் மற்றும் மனிதநேயம் எனப் பன்முகத் திறமைகள் கொண்டவர்.

explorers's Usage Examples:

Marquette mapped the Platte from hearsay in 1673; French explorers followed it to the Forks in 1739; and, after Nebraska passed to the United States in 1803 as part of the Louisiana Purchase, successive American exploring expeditions left traces in its history.

"Naivasha was discovered in 1883 by Gustav Adolf Fischer (1848-1886), one of the early explorers of the Tana and Masai regions, and the first to demonstrate the continuance of the rift-valley through equatorial Africa.

The subterranean passage of the Alpheus in the upper part of its course (confirmed by modern explorers), and the freshness of the water of Arethusa in spite of its proximity to the sea, led to the belief that it was the outlet of the river.

The German explorers excavated the Stadium so far as was necessary for the ascertainment of all essential points.

) The Tasmanians, when they came in contact with the European explorers and settlers, were not the broken outcasts they afterwards became.

"On the 1st of March the Dutch fleet sighted the island of Juan Fernandez; and, having crossed the Pacific, the explorers sailed along the north coast of New Guinea and arrived at the Moluccas on the 17th of September 1616.

Greatest among modern Asiatic explorers (if we except Prjevalsky) is the brave Swede, Professor Sven Hedin, whose travels through the deserts of Takla Makan and Tibet, and whose investigations in the glacial regions of the Sarikol mountains, occupied him from 1894 to 1896.

The tree under which the first explorers encamped here in November 1824 is still standing in an enclosed space.

Valuable observations were made in oceanography during the expeditions of Captain James Cook and the polar explorers, especially those of Sir John Ross in the north and Sir James Ross in the south, but the voyage of H.

From the state of the ground the German explorers inferred that the length of the hippodrome was 770 metres or 4 Olympic stadia.

"beyond the point reached by former explorers, the little steamer "Pleiad" returned and reached the mouth of the Niger, after a voyage of 118 days, without the loss of a single man.

One of their most distinguished explorers was Samuel Champlain, a captain in the navy, French North who, after a remarkable journey through Mexico and the America.


frogman, individual, somebody, potholer, soul, spelaeologist, spelunker, diver, underwater diver, adventurer, conquistador, speleologist, navigator, mortal, person, someone,


male, acquaintance, good guy, introvert, fat person,

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