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exhumed Meaning in Tamil ( exhumed வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


புதைக்கப்பட்ட(சவத்)தைத் தோண்டியெடு,

exhumed தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


exhumed's Usage Examples:

, his body was exhumed and thrown in the common sewer.

Faulkner uses Owen's iconic poetry to flesh out the bones of three bodies exhumed from the earth of the erstwhile trenches.

He died in November 1655 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, but his body was exhumed and maltreated at the Restoration.

At the Restoration his body was exhumed, and on the 30th of January 1661, the anniversary of the execution of Charles I.

Rather than subject themselves to the tyranny of Ali Pasha, the Pargiotes decided to forsake their country; and accordingly in 1819, having previously exhumed and burned the remains of their ancestors, they migrated to the Ionian Islands.

The collected works of Hrabanus himself contain nothing new, but in some glosses on Aristotle and Porphyry, first exhumed by Cousin, there are several noteworthy expressions of opinion in a Nominalistic sense.

An investigation was begun in March 1559, and as the result of a conviction for heresy the exhumed body of Jorisz was burned, together with his portrait, on the 13th of May 1559.

exhumed from the depths where earthquakes are known to have nucleated?arable in the west where nucleated villages were formed as spaces were filled.

Taking the carbon exhumed by industrial combustion from the geologic past and stacking it into overripe living woodpiles is an approach of questionable wisdom.

Ameghino refers deposits in Patagonia, from which undoubted human bones and relics have been exhumed, to the Miocene.

The ground-plan can be traced; the fish-ponds are complete; and carved stones, coffins and encaustic tiles of a peculiar manufacture are frequently exhumed.

Two skeletons were exhumed near the (From Tilesius.

The majority of inscriptions and images bearing her name have been found in Gaul, Germany and the Danube countries; of the few that occur in Rome itself most were exhumed on the site of the barracks of the equiles singulares, a foreign imperial bodyguard mainly recruited from the Batavians.


turn up, disinter, dig up, excavate,


disappear, lose, unfold, uncross,

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