exclusive Meaning in Tamil ( exclusive வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
விலக்கி வைக்கிற,
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exclusive தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
ஆனால் தற்போது என்னுடைய பாதுகாப்புக் கவசங்களை நான் விலக்கி வைக்கிறேன் எனத் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.
ஆனால், அம்மோனியாவை NH3 விலக்கி வைக்கிறது.
exclusive's Usage Examples:
The court was composed exclusively of senators, some of whom might have been his personal friends.
Such bases occur almost exclusively in the dicotyledons, generally in combination with malic, citric, tartaric or similar plant-acids.
He incurred their special reproaches by his condemnation of the irresistible evolution which impelled Rome to desire exclusive dominion over Catholic Europe and to devote her attention to earthly things.
Unlike some celebrities who act exclusively on the big screen, Brewster bounces back and forth between film and television work.
You want us to prep a clean-up crew?Perhaps they attend an exclusive prep school and are looking to make waves, or maybe they are searching for a method of rebellion against the cookie cutter prom queen persona.
It is no discovery that this latter kind of variation is not hereditable, and it is not the fact that the small variations, to which Darwin attached great but not exclusive importance as the material upon which natural selection operates, are of this latter kind.
These films, exclusive to their television networks, outdrew their theatrically released counterparts leaving Goldfinger and The Graduate.
He was educated, exclusively by his father, who was a strict disciplinarian, and at the age of three was taught the Greek alphabet and long lists, of Greek words with their English equivalents.
Pro preferred member: This membership is exclusive to licensed beauticians.
In 1904, exclusive of coasters and small craft trading with north-west Africa, 562 ships of 604,208 tons entered the port of Cartagena, 259 being British and 150 Spanish; while 90 vessels were accommodated at Porman.
Designers include Jump and Masquerade exclusives.
"Some of the tracks featured her on vocals exclusively, and she did most of the songwriting and production work on the album.
Peckham, but others have held that it is of exclusively animal origin, a view supported by such occurrences as those in the orthoceratities of the Trenton limestone, and by the experiments of C.
sole, unshared,
outdoors, outside, shared,