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exchequer Meaning in Tamil ( exchequer வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அரசாங்க பொக்கிஷம்,

exchequer's Usage Examples:

He was incessantly on his legs in committee, and became a name for an opposition bandog who gave chancellors of the exchequer no peace.

But this blot upon the English name was at last removed by Montague in 1694, when he was appointed chancellor of the exchequer.

The count of the sacred bounties was the lord treasurer or chancellor of the exchequer, for the public treasury and the imperial fisc had come to be identical; while the count of the private estates managed the imperial demesnes and the privy purse.

In February 1852 the Whig government was defeated on a Militia Bill, and Lord John Russell was succeeded by Lord Derby, formerly Lord Stanley, with Mr Disraeli, who now his constant companions were Homer and Dante, and entered office for the first time, as chancellor of the exchequer and leader of the House of Commons.

The exchequer being drained by the payment of 10,000 pieces of gold to buy off the Gauls who had invaded their territories about 279 B.

"He was succeeded by Lord Russell, and Gladstone, retaining the chancellorship of the exchequer, became for the first time leader of the House of Commons.

He acted as private secretary to Mr (afterwards Lord) Goschen, and in 1887, when Goschen became chancellor of the exchequer, was appointed his principal private secretary.

Another device of Edward for filling his exchequer was a very stringent enforcement of justice; small infractions of the laws being made the excuse for exorbitant fines.

Though spasmodic efforts were made to promote agriculture and open up communications the Sudan continued to be a constant drain on the Egyptian exchequer.

The Jacobite Sir William Windham had been made chancellor of the exchequer, important military posts were placed in the hands of the faction, and a new ministry of Jacobites was projected.


funds, public treasury, pecuniary resource, fisc, finances, till, monetary resource, subtreasury, bursary, trough, cash in hand, treasury,


natural elevation,

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