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excessive Meaning in Tamil ( excessive வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



excessive தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


excessive's Usage Examples:

Even within the Arctic Circle they are in many localities abundant and excessively bloodthirsty during the short summer.

In adults, this condition results in an enlargement of bones; in children, the abnormality results in excessive height and is called gigantism.

It is characteristic of Fichte's almost excessive receptiveness that in his latest published work, Der neuere Spiritualismus (1878), he supports his position by arguments of a somewhat occult or theosophical cast, not unlike those adopted by F.

The use of such explosives decreases to some extent the danger from dust explosions; but experiment shows that no efficient explosive is absolutely safe, if used in excessive quantity, or in an improper manner.

The king and his prime minister were equally agreed about the necessity of showing the Vatican and the Church sufficient favor to induce them to cease coquetting with the pretender Don Carlos, but not so much as to allow the pope and the clergy to expect that they would tolerate any excessive Ultramontane influence in the policy of the Restoration.

against the of g appeals to Rome, while others complained of the exactions of the legates, or, like John of Salisbury, animadverted upon the excessive powers of the bureaucracy at the Lateran.

The vice of the book is excessive classification of bodily faculties, and over-subtlety in the discrimination of diseases.

traction alopecia is most commonly found in people with ponytails or cornrows that pull on their hair with excessive force.

If someone is anemic this can cause excessive alopecia.

The excessive legalism which pervades the Talmud was the scholarship of the age, and the Talmud suffers to a certain extent because accepted opinions and isolated views are commingled.

Bulimia nervosa-An eating disorder characterized by binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behavior, such as vomiting, misusing laxatives, or excessive exercise.

In these primeval forests the vegetation is excessively rank; passage has to be forced through thick underwood and creeping plants, between giant trees, whose foliage shuts out the sun's rays; and the land teems with animal and insect life of every form and colour.

I would look around at what might cause her stress, and see if reducing that stress helps with her excessive grooming.


unreasonable, immoderate, undue, inordinate,


immoderation, temperate, mild, reasonable, moderate,

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