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erato Meaning in Tamil ( erato வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


erato தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

சைரீனின் எராட்டோதெனீசு (fl.

இது பண்டைய கிரேக்கரான எராட்டோதெனீசு பயன்படுத்திய அதே வழிமுறையே ஆகும்.

எராட்டோஸ்தீனசு புவியின் விட்டத்தை துல்லியமாகக் கணக்கிட்டார்.

எராட்டோதெனெசு குழிப்பள்ளத் தோற்றத்தின் மாற்றங்கள் நிலாவில் உள்ள பூச்சிகளால் எற்படுகிறது எனக் கருதினார்.

erato's Usage Examples:

The hybrid systems have a wind generator with a battery bank which produces 2,500 kilowatts an hour through the day.

He should have just become a steam drill operator!They assembled in their counties, and by the time Dozsa had drilled them into some sort of discipline and self-confidence, they began to air the grievances of their class.

This problem is overcome by overloading the assignment operator.

A subscriber desiring a connexion pressed the key and communicated his own number and that of the wanted subscriber to the operator in attendance on the call-wire.

We ate supper and put the rest in the refrigerator for you.

From their using the noose as an instrument of murder they were also frequently called Phansigars, or "noose-operators.

The zinc and some lead are oxidized; part of the zinc passes off with the fumes, part is dissolved by the litharge, forming a melted mixture which is skimmed off and reduced in a blast-furnace or a reverberatory smelting furnace.

The iterator that is returned uses the given class loader to look up and then instantiate each element of the list.

From the first the regenerator in his ukazes was careful to make everything quite plain.

First of all we needed to aerate the lawn and we tested a variety of aerators.

analogueecent work within the department has been concerned with convolution integral operators and generalizations, and with discrete analogs, viz.

She stomped on the accelerator and for a moment the wheels spun gravel.

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