ensile Meaning in Tamil ( ensile வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
தீவனத்தைப் பசுப்பதனக்குழியிலிடு
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ensile's Usage Examples:
coatings on different substrates, you may wish to consider tensile testing.
aramid polymer fibers with incredible tensile strength are sandwiched between two stiffer pulp layers.
It has considerable compressive or crushing strength, but is somewhat deficient in shearing strength, and distinctly weak in tensile or pulling strength.
58) has two vertical asymptotes x ~ 3/4irx; this shows that however the thickness of a cable be adjusted there is a limit irA to the horizontal span, where A depends on the tensile strength of the material.
Callosities, or bare patches covered with hardened and thickened epidermis, are found on the buttocks of many apes, the breast of camels, the inner side of the limbs of Equidae, the grasping under-surface of the tail of prehensile-tailed monkeys, opossums; 'c.
Assuming the materials to be of equal tensile strength per unit of area - hard-drawn copper is stronger, but has a lower conductivity - the adoption of aluminium thus leads to a reduction of 52% in the weight, a gain of 60% in the strength, and an increase of 26% in the diameter of the conductor.
Such an alloy can be cast like ordinary bronze, but excels the latter in hardness, elasticity, toughness and tensile strength.
They may, however, be natatory as in many Ostracoda and Copepoda, or prehensile, as in some Copepoda.
- These singular crustaceans have long soft flexible bodies, the eyes stalked and movable, the first antennae small and filiform, the second lamellar in the female, in the male prehensile; this last character gives rise to some very fanciful developments.
The Javan Pithechirus has the thumb opposable, while the Papuan Chiruromys has the tip of the tail naked above and prehensile.
Ewing has shown that it is diminished and may even be reversed by tensile stress.
software, nonvolatile storage,