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engulf Meaning in Tamil ( engulf வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முழுதும் விழுங்கு,

engulf தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


engulf's Usage Examples:

When these children are exposed to house dust mites, animal proteins, fungi, or other potential allergens, they produce a type of antibody that is intended to engulf and destroy the foreign materials.

amoebantly, I was amazed to witness under the coverslip, about 20 soil ameba engulfing more than seemed possible.

Tamburlaine, for example, remains restless to the end because he can never be satisfied with any of the crowns he serially engulfs.

When phagocytes encounter an invading organism, they surround and engulf it in order to destroy it.

The numerous sterile florets are large almost engulfing the center cluster of fertile flowers.

The views are specacular, as the cavern engulfs the zip line course.

The darkness immediately engulfed them and they paused a dozen baby steps into the tunnel to allow their eyes to become accustomed to the blackness.

He saw in the Magyars the chief obstacle to the realization of his dream, and openly warned them that they were " an island in the Slav ocean," which one day might easily engulf them.

Then she would be engulfed by another convulsive sob.

When new antigens enter the body, white blood cells (called macrophages) engulf them, process the information contained in the antigens, and send it to the T-cells so that an immune system response can be mobilized.

The truck was totally engulfed in flames along with all the donated medical supplies from the Arab Emirates.

engulfs everything about our life, emotions certainly come into play.


center, plunge, centre, absorb, immerse, drink in, pore, concentrate, engross, soak up, rivet, steep, drink, focus,


soften, unclearness, obscurity, blur, skew,

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