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engorge Meaning in Tamil ( engorge வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

பேராவலுடன் விழுங்கு

engorge's Usage Examples:

In the interior organs there are indications of a compensating accumulation of blood, such as swelling of the spleen, engorgement (very rarely rupture) of the heart, with a feeling of oppression in the chest, and a copious flow of clear and watery urine from the congested kidneys.

formula milk instead of breastfeeding Can you treat HIV?engorged breasts may differ so readers are advised to speak to midwives or breastfeeding advisers about current practices.

They are enlarged to the size of an almond, rounded, firm and pink; there is some engorgement and oedema on section; the substance is rather soft, and can be scraped off with a knife.

It is caused by engorgement of the breast.

This is due to intense engorgement of the vessels brought about through these minute existing collateral channels and results in a peripheral congested zone round the infarct.

This is an increased exudation of fluid from the engorged blood vessels which not only dilutes the toxins, but is supposed to contain substances which in some way act on these living micro-organisms and render them a more easy prey to the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes (fig.

engorged purple veins.

The lungs are engorged and oedematous, and often show haemorrhages.

A nursing mother will often notice her own breast engorgement as the first sign of her infant's illness.

The surrounding tissue is not engorged or oedematous.

The risk of mastitis is increased by engorgement, which is often caused by missed feedings or skipped pumping sessions.

engorged breasts may differ so readers are advised to speak to midwives or breastfeeding advisers about current practices.


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insatiate, reassure, eat in, eat out, abstain,

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