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engagements Meaning in Tamil ( engagements வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



engagements தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


engagements's Usage Examples:

He is obliged to give a guarantee for the fulfilment of his engagements.

The choir 's repertoire spans 500 years, but specializes in costumed performances of 16th Century music, with some paid engagements.

in 1740 Fleury by a diplomatic quibble found an excuse for repudiating his engagements, when he found the party of war supreme in the king's counsels.

The Liberals could see no more than that he appeared to be committed to international engagements, the logical outcome of which might beas an orator of the Opposition put itthat Cossacks would be encamped in Hyde Park for the purpose of overawing the House of Commons.

After a series of indecisive engagements Venice broke from the league and, under the mediation of France, concluded a treaty with the Porte practically on the basis of uti possidetis (March 7, 1 573).

He made some engagements with publishers, though no one would take Sartor Resartus, and returned to Craigenputtock in the spring of 1832.

de Giers in October 1891, when the Russian statesman was apprised of the entirely defensive nature of Italian engagements under the triple alliance.

The practice of giving land as a beneficium to a grantee who swore personal allegiance to the grantor had persisted, and by his capitularies Charlemagne had made these personal engagements, these contracts of immunityhitherto not transferable, nor even for life, but quite conditionalregular, legal, even obligatory and almost indissoluble.

The house of Holkar remained faithful to its engagements with the British government, and its position as a feudatory of the empire was maintained.

The powers, however, reiterated their decision to maintain the status quo, and increased their military and naval forces; the Greek flag was hauled down at Canea and Candia, and some desultory engagements with the insurgents took place, the international troops co-operating with the native gendarmerie.

The gazettes from which the old prince first heard of the defeat at Austerlitz stated, as usual very briefly and vaguely, that after brilliant engagements the Russians had had to retreat and had made their withdrawal in perfect order.


assault, war, naval battle, dogfight, military action, combat, fight, action, Armageddon, pitched battle, armed combat, conflict, battle, warfare,


inactiveness, stabilization, stabilisation, source, sink,

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