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enervated Meaning in Tamil ( enervated வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


enervated's Usage Examples:

It's fine to be disappointed, but don't become enervated and unable to rebound from negative feedback.

The army had been thinned by desertion and was enervated by long indiscipline.

This people was militant, aggressive and unsettled in the earlier part of that time; commercial, wealthy and enervated in the latter.

All vitality had been sapped from the old order of nobles, reduced in prestige by the savonnette a vilains (office purchased to ennoble the holder), enervated by court life, and so robbed of its roots in the soil, from which it had once drawn its strength, that it could no longer live save as a ruinous parasite on the central monarchy.

ture was encouraged had become both enervated and terrorized.

A happy awakening, although it went too far in establishing royal absolutism; and a victory too complete, in that it enervated all the forces of resistance.

Equally extensive, but less important in the political sphere, were the Papal States and Veneti, the former torpid under the obscurantist rule of pope and cardinals, the latter enervated by luxury and the policy of unmanly complaisance long pursued by doge and council.


adynamic, debilitated, weak, asthenic,


rugged, tough, mesomorphic, endomorphic, strong,

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