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encyclic Meaning in Tamil ( encyclic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

போப்பாண்டவரின் சுற்றுக்கடிதம்

encyclic's Usage Examples:

The encyclical letters of the Roman Catholic Church are epistles, even more so than bulls, which are usually more special in their destination.

An encyclical of Pius IX.

those documents in which the pope speaks in his own name (bulls, briefs, encyclicals, 'c.

Meanwhile the papacy, as soon as the news reached Rome, despatched encyclicals throughout Europe; and soon a new Crusade was in full swing.

At the general parliamentary elections of 1904 a few Catholics had been elected as such, and the encyclical of the 11th of June 1905 On the political organization of the Catholics, practically abolished the non erpedit.

the papal encyclicals.

had sounded the clarion for battle against the Social The Pope Democracy; his encyclical Novarum serum en- and Social deavoured to show the means to be employed, Democracy.

It has then met at Lambeth, and after sitting for five days for deliberation upon the fixed subjects and appointment of committees, has adjourned, to meet again at the end of a fortnight and sit for five days more, to receive reports, adopt resolutions and to put forth the encyclical letter.

of the fall of Edessa, and at the end of the year he had sent an encyclical to France - the natural soil, as we have seen, of crusading zeal.

's encyclical (Pascendi gregis) against the Modernists.

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