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encountered Meaning in Tamil ( encountered வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)





encountered தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

திலகருடனான கோகலேவின் முதல் பெரும் எதிர்ப்படுதல் அவருடைய விருப்பமான செயல்திட்டத்தின் மீது மையம் கொண்டிருந்தது, அது 1891-92 ஆம் ஆண்டுகளில் ஆங்கிலேய அரசாங்கத்தால் அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்பட்ட ஏஜ் ஆஃப் கன்சன்ட் சட்டமாகும்.

encountered's Usage Examples:

The bitter fanaticism of Knox on this point encountered the wiser policy of Lord James and of Lethington.

James and his leaders, Atholl and Huntly, with their Stewarts and Gordons, and the levies of burgesses, and the mounted gentry of Fife, encountered the wild border spearmen of Hepburn and Home and the Galloway men, the whole being led by Angus and the rebel prince at Sauchie burn, near Bannockburn.

Early in 1897 a police force was sent:to eject the settlers, but encountered strong resistance, and suffered heavy loss without being able to effect the purpose intended.

Considerable difficulty is encountered in attempting to draw up a botanical classification of the species of Gossypium.

He was an undefeated champion of underground wrestling until he encountered the trio of heroes from Final Fight.

I was never cast away nor distressed in any weather, though I encountered some severe storms.

Her fingers encountered Alex's as he assisted her.

Not only is vein-material formerly regarded as unremunerative now extracted at a profit, but in many instances increased gold-values have been encountered below zones of relative barrenness, and operators have been encouraged to make costly preparations for really deep mining - more than 3000 ft.

Instead I listened to his harangue about the difficulty they encountered with the session I'd practically demanded, the break-ins in Boston.

He also encountered and heavily defeated a coalition of two great naval powers of the Asiatic coast, Miletus and Lesbos.

Before he had reached the age of fourteen he encountered in two expeditions under his father the Indian forces of Jaipal, raja of Lahore, whom Sabuktagin defeated on the Punjab frontier.

With the revolution which speedily followed this impolitic trial, new troubles encountered Ken; for, having sworn allegiance to James, he thought himself thereby precluded from taking the oath to William of Orange.


come across, foregather, intersect, run across, see, gather, meet, run into, assemble, forgather, cross,


refrain, agree, defend, make peace, back,

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