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enclosing Meaning in Tamil ( enclosing வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வேலி போடு,

enclosing தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஊற்று ஓடுகிற இடத்தை ஜீவானந்தம் கண்டுபிடித்த அடுத்த நொடி, தன் இராட்சத கால்களை பதித்து அந்த இடத்திற்கு வேலி போடுகிறது ஒரு கார்ப்பரேட் நிறுவனம்.

enclosing's Usage Examples:

"If, for instance, the data for the triangle are sides a and b, enclosing an angle C, the area is lab sih C.

It may be due partly to the natural conformation of the rock and the differences of level, partly to the necessity of enclosing within a single building several objects of ancient sanctity, such as the mark of Poseidon's trident and the spring that arose from it, the sacred olive tree of Athena, and the tomb of Cecrops.

In eastern or "locked" Arcadia these heights run in parallel courses intersected by cross-ridges, enclosing a series of upland plains whose waters have no egress save by underground channels or zerethra.

The frontier which they form is inconveniently long, enclosing an acute-angled wedge of foreign territory - the modern Baden and Wurttemberg.

A third method consists in placing the specimen within bibulous paper, and enclosing the whole between two plates of coarsely perforated zinc supported in a wooden frame.

Externally it is an Ionic peripteros, enclosing suites of rooms, large and small, grouped round a small interior Doric peristyle.

Successive flexures or ridges are ranged in more or less parallel lines, and from between the bands of hard, unyielding rock of older formation the soft beds of recent shale have been washed out, to he carried through the enclosing ridges by rifts which break across their axes.

from the sea near Karachi the Hab river is the boundary of Sind, and here, across the enclosing desolation of outcropping ridges and intervening sand, a road may be found into Makran.

It is illegal to unbind a name that is referenced by an enclosing scope; the compiler will report a SyntaxError.

Each spot shows with more or less completeness a ring-shaped penumbra enclosing a darker umbra; the umbra, which looks black beside' the photosphere, is actually about as brilliant as limelight.

The district from the south-east of Lake Fucino to the Piano di Cinque Miglia, enclosing the upper basin of the Sangro and the small lake of Scanno, is the coldest and most bleak part of Italy south of the Alps.


envelopment, incasement, packing, intromission, boxing, introduction, inclosure, enclosure, encasement, insertion,


trade edition, finish,

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