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enamels Meaning in Tamil ( enamels வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


enamels's Usage Examples:

IThe artists of this school show also much skill in using enamels for the purposes of subordinate decorationsuspending enamelled butterflies, birds or floral sprays, among the reticulations of a silver vase chiselled a jour; or filling with translucid enamels parts of a decorative scheme sculptured in iron, silver, gold or shakudo.

Men The only decorative pieces that men appeared to wear were bronze armlets, inset with enamels.

In point of fact, the production of faience decorated with goid and colored enamels may be said to have commenced at the beginning of the 1 9th century in Satsuma.

Among many fine pieces of jewellers' work preserved in the ecclesiastical treasuries may be mentioned the silver statuette of San Biagio, and the reliquary which contains his skull - a 17th-century casket in filigree and enamels with Byzantine medallions of the 11th or 12th century.

But as the work proceeds the cloisons are hiddenunless their presence is necessary to give emphasis to the designand the final result is a picture in vitrified enamels.

In TOkyO, KiOto, Yokohama and Kobern all of which places decorating ateliers (etsuke-dokoro), similar to those of TokyO, have been established in modern timesthe artists use chiefly pigments, seldom venturing to employ vitrifiable enamels.

Many substances were used as pigments: Pliny records white lead, cinnabar, verdigris and red oxide of iron; and the preparation of coloured glasses and enamels testifies to the uses to which these and other substances were put.

But to employ enamels successfully is an achievement demanding special training and materials not easy to procure or to prepare.

Nicola in the village contains a remarkable staurotheca of the Ilth (?) century, and a wooden triptych in imitation of the Byzantine style with enamels of the 13th century.

These were worked by casting and hammering, and ornamented by inlay, gilding and enamels with the greatest possible skill.

To this increase in production and to the more elaborate application of vitrifiable enamels may be attributed the erroneous idea that Satsuma faience decorated with gold and colored enamels had its origin at the close of the 18th century.


beautify, fire, grace, ornament, embellish, decorate, adorn,


awkwardness, maleficence, ill nature, unseemliness,

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