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elland Meaning in Tamil ( elland வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



elland தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

|rowspan"5" | 1984 || த நியூ மைக் ஹேமர் || ஜூலி எலண்ட் || (TV தொடர்).

பார்வையாளர்கள் வண்டிகளிலோ  நடந்தோ பயணம் செய்யும் போது ஆபிரிக்க யானை, கேப் எருமை, தெற்கு வெள்ளை காண்டாமிருகம், நீர்யானை, எலண்ட் மற்றும்  பல்வேறு  வகையான  மான்களைப் பார்க்க முடியும்.

elland's Usage Examples:

HellandHansen and Nansen traced a periodicity in the flow of Atlantic water along the W.

From Sjaelland Charles now hastened to Livonia with 8000 men.

Between the Welland and the Nene in the south-east of the county are Gedney Marsh, Holbeach Marsh, Moulton Marsh and Sutton Marsh.

The chief of these are the Holland, Wildmore, West and East Fens draining into the Witham; and the Deeping, Bourn, Great Porsand, and Whaplode Fens draining into the Welland.

McClellandescribed this flight to the James as a change of base, but his resolve to abandon the attitude of an invader was formed when General Lee in the middle of June had caused Stuart's cavalry to reconnoitre the flanks and rear of McClellan's army, and had summoned corps from the Shenandoah Valley.

[[Onteniente Oolite]] that can pass through the Welland canal locks, which are 2 7 0 ft.

ruts left by a light, two-wheeled Bronze Age cart were found nearby at Welland Bank Quarry.

Stavanger is the birthplace of Kjelland the novelist (1849).

Through the sandbanks which form its bed there are two main channels into deep water; one, Boston Deeps, is kept open by the waters of the Witham and Welland; the other, Lynn Deeps, gives passage to those of the Nene and the Great Ouse.

small-time criminal and drug abuser, in 1991 and moved to the Welland, in Peterborough.

David Clelland (Tyne Bridge ): Can you tell us about the last reshuffle?No Jews or Christians are allowed to reside there.

Existing classifications, however, do not take account of any difference in kind between mountain and hills, although it is common in the German language to speak of Hiigelland, Mittelgebirge and Hochgebirge with a definite significance.

in level between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie is overcome by the Welland canal, which leads southward from Port Dalhousie.

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